Welcome to HNN - Public Edition

The Hapan News Network is Hapes centralized News Network. HNN was founded in 4028, following the amalgamation of core news services throughout the Cluster. HNN is headquartered on Hapes Prime, with countless stations on all planets, and thousands of news agents in the field. HNN prides itself with providing you with the most accurate and reliable news possible about the events taking place within the Hapes Cluster.

HNN News

Community Address - End of Summer 2024

Summer months have now come to an end, even if the surprisingly (pleasantly or ruinously, depending on where you’re at) warm weather seems to still prevail in these parts of the world, and I figured it was time to jot down another community address.

Hop onto the member discord to read the full thing,...

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HNN News

New Appointments Announced

In a brief statement from the Royal Council, two recent Deputy Minister appointments, one for Ministry of the Interior, and the other for the Ministry of Industry, were announced to have been inducted into the Royal Council as non-voting members.

A last moment addition to the communique was the rev...

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HNN News

Community Address

Jubilee Celebrations Conclude

Boys and girls, madame et monsieur, with the last combat activity at the local asteroid field having finished, we have thus reached the end of Jubilee Celebrations as a whole.

Congratulations to all the winners and well done to participants, all winnings an...

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HNN News

Merry Hapmas & Lovely Holidays to all!

Hapes wishes everyone the happiest holidays! Take care out there, and see you around for 2024!


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HNN News

Royal Proclamation

The Hapan News Network introduction begins with scenes from around the Hapes Cluster flashing across the screen, accompanied with an uplifting theme melody. As the introduction reaches its conclusion, the royal seal fades into a live feed from the grand chambers of the Lorell Hall.

The chambers appe...

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HNN News

Hapan Jubilee Celebrations Commence!

The introductory sequence of the Hapan News Network begins with images of the Consortium's worlds flashing across the screen accompanied by the uplifting theme melody. As the segment comes to an end, Anacia Chalcedon appears on screen before the familiar backdrop of live images from the Lorell Hall on Hapes. She smi...

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HNN News

RHN undergoes historical changes

In a press conference held earlier today in orbit of Hapes Prime, the Ministry of Defence and the Royal Hapan Armed Forces High Command have released a joint statement announcing structural changes and new command assignments to the Royal Hapan Navy.

The High Command has confirmed that it will be dramatically overhauling the RHN's existing structure as the Consortium will return its naval...

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HNN News

Ministry of Defence announces changes

The Fountain Palace has released a press briefing regarding the Ministry of Defence, announcing the retirement of Fel`da Alex Tylger and Fel`ta Xesh Randell from the leadership of the ministry.

Fel`ta Taryn Zaraan, commanding officer of the Royal Hapan Navy, has been appointed as Acting Ministe...

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HNN News

MotI Appointment & New Department Announced

The Royal Council has announced today the appointment of Xarzi Calibant to the position of Director of the Ministry of the Interior, to head the department in charge of the Archais Initiative, a program aimed at introducing further service benefits and community improvements, and the oversight of existing p...

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HNN News

Merry Hapmas & State of Play 2022

Hello there, and a merry Hapmas to one and all!

I am going to attempt the impossible this year and keep this one short. Well, fairly short anyhow. Fortunately, despite the unpleasantly rushed anticipation of the holiday season, there’s ample snow around here to ...

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HNN News

Lorell Hall Announces Wage Increases

Lorell Hall has today announced the completion of the year 4049 review into government wages, which will see a steady wage increase across the board for all government officials and military officers.

A Lorell Hall spokesman elaborated on the announced changes;

“As instructed by the ...

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HNN News

Merry Hapmas & State of Play 2021

Hello everyone, and a very merry Hapmas to all!

You wouldn’t know it looking around in the Cluster, but it turns out that the Metamorphosis Plague continues to find new victims around the galaxy at an alarming pace; Just look at how many freshly morphed sentien...

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HNN News

Royal Address

Following Royal Hapan Armed Forces awards ceremony held onboard the HRS Pulsar a month ago, the Rai`ix Chume Zayth Kadrim has been hosting a banquet at the Lorell Hall in recognition of the service of numerous government officials, with a speech held within the confines of its lush garden afterwards. Speaking earl...

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HNN News

Operation Mayhem Combat Phase Underway

Operation Mayhem, after long weeks of preparations, has entered the war game phase, with our forces matching up against the sizable task force of the Trade Federation. It is being reported that both sides are fielding naval forces in excess of five thousand vessels each, with their weapons systems fully enabled and attack on sight orders issued for the duration of this massive military exercise...

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HNN News

Military Forces Issues Red Alert Recall

>> Open SecMilLink > Activate:Broadcast Alert 8871071-Red-Public > Attachment:2214555
>> Processing Authorization … .… ……
>> Link Activated – Initiate OPERATION MAYHEM

:: From Hapan Central Command, on board the Hapes Defence in orbit of Hapes Prime
:: For immediate public release

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HNN News

RHAF appointments announced

The Fountain Palace has announced several appointments in the command tier of the Royal Hapan Armed Forces, in coordination with the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Defence.

Just recently a high-powered meeting was convened in the orbit of Charubah, amidst a flurry of navigational mapping activity occurring in the foremost industrial region of the Cluster. There, onboard the Exe...

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HNN News

Happy Holidays & State of Play 2020

Hello there, and a very merry Hapmas to one and all!

Well folks, even with everything going on with the year outside Combine’s confines, it proved to be almost business as usual for us here; A number of interesting things had to be kicked further dow...

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HNN News

MotI Announces New Fel´da

The Royal Council has announced today that Deputy Minister Beliar Stargazer, and acting minister for the Ministry of the Interior, has been appointed as Minister during a closed session of the council, held within the Lorell Hall. The officiating was done by Prime Minister Alarendor Cyrus, with the King in attenda...

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HNN News

Ministry Appointments

Lorell Hall has announced the retirement of the Minister of the Interior Har Tay. A true veteran of the Hapan government, Har Tay has served on the Royal Council as both Ministers of Industry and Interior during his lengthy stint with the civil administration, after beginning his career with the Hapes Conso...

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HNN News

Academy Revisions Implemented

The planned changes to the Star Home Academy have been implemented without interruptions to the running courses or the academy personnel.

The venerable Robin Hood´s School of Culture and Social Education - as it was originally named after a famed wookiee admiral of the Consortium of old, and later referred to by various shorter terms - has served as the first destination ...

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HNN News

Defence Appointments Announced

The Ministry of Defence has announced the appointment of Diranix Alex Tylger into the role of the Chief of Staff for the Royal Hapan Armed Forces, as well as Deputy Minister of Defence. The Sovereign is additionally bestowing upon Tylger the rank of Lord Admiral for the duration of the tenure in ...

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HNN News

Happy Holidays & State of Play 2019

Hello hello!

Republica may have fallen, and the admins might be expressing their irritation at the Empire and Seele for it all, but none of that dampens - or is that relevant to - the joys of the glogg season.

So, another year, another one of these po...

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HNN News

Handle Change

Kevin Fontana was changed to Kane Starlight...

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HNN News

RHAF changes announced

The Fountain Palace has released a press briefing regarding the Ministry of Defence, announcing changes to the structure and command of the Royal Hapan Armed Forces;

Earlier today, His Majesty, King Zayth I met with the Minister of Defence Xesh Randell aboard HRS Pride, the Pulsa...

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HNN News

New Site Launches

Welcome to our new holosite!

On behalf of everyone who has worked on its release, welcome. We hope you will be able to peruse the pages at a leisurely manner, and most importantly, enjoy your time here with us....

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HNN News

Chume’doro receives new Commander

“Sallan, Hapes!

The Fountain Palace has mere moments ago announced the appointment of a new Commander of the Chume’doro, the Hapan Royal Guard, best known for its uncompromising dedication towards the protection of the Royal Family and the preservation of the Hapan monarchy itself...

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HNN News

Happy Holidays & State of Play

Hello everyone!

We celebrate the holiday season a bit differently every year as a group, though some things tend to remain the same. Whatever your plans for the next few weeks though, I do hope you’ll have the time to relax with your family and friends without having to worry too much about whatââ‚...

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HNN News

A blast from the past, and a promise of the future

Ah, that big reveal. This site has been good for us, through its many iterations and base template improvements for more than a decade.

But now, now we look forward to what is to come...


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HNN News

A farewell to the Galactic Concordiate

A spokeswoman for the Lorell Hall, the seat of Hapan government, has held a press conference to release a public statement regarding the upcoming Galactic News Service broadcast, confirming that the Hapes Consortium has chosen not to ratify the founding treaty for the second Galactic Concordiate, resulting in its membership...

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HNN News

Appointment of a Minister

A representative to the Royal Council has announced that Har Tay, Deputy Minister and the acting head of the Ministry of the Interior, has just been appointed as Minister during a closed ceremony held at the Lorell Hall, officiated by Prime Minister Cyrus.

“Har Tay, during his inte...

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HNN News

Economic growth spurs wage increases

Lorell Hall in conjunction with the Fountain Palace are pleased to announce wage increases being imminent for the officers and officials employed by the state. It has now been just over three years that the previous increase to the starting wage from 1,500,000 to 4,000,000 credits took place, and the ...

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HNN News

Happy Holidays!

Oh yes, it is that time of the year again Hapes. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a pleasant holiday season, as well as a joyous upcoming New Year from the RC! Enjoy the week ahead as the Consortium gets covered in our minds under a blanket of snow, and as the clanging sounds from the gears of industry and war ...

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HNN News

Changes to MotI leadership and the Criminal Act

The Fountain Palace has held a brief press conference to follow up on the previously announced changes in leadership of Ministries of Defence and of the Interior, as well as to announce an amendment to the Criminal Code.

The previously announced transition of Minister Xesh Randell from the helm of t...

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HNN News

Royal Council news

The Fountain Palace has held a brief press conference to announce the changes in leadership of Ministries of Defence and of the Interior.

A spokesman for the Hapan Throne was quoted stating the following:

"During the Royal Council Meeting earlier today Minister of Interior Xesh Randell has...

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HNN News

Ministry of Defence

The Fountain Palace has released a press briefing regarding the Ministry of Defence, announcing the retirement of Fel’da Ayun from the helm of the Royal Hapan Armed Forces;

“Commodore Lionola Ayun was a key figure among the military High Command long before her appointment a...

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HNN News

HNN - Royal Hapan Armed Forces engage pirates

(HNN) - Hapes Prime

The Ministry of Defence released a statement today informing the public that a skirmish took place yesterday between the Royal Hapan Armed Forces and pirates of unknown affiliation.

While details were sparse, it was revealed that a military unit responded to a ...

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HNN News

A new noble house rises

The Hapan News Network introduction begins with scenes from around the Hapes Cluster flashing across the screen, accompanied with the uplifting theme melody. As the sequence comes to a conclusion, Anacia Chalcedon appears on screen before the backdrop of a view from the capital city of Chume’Dan. ...

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HNN News

Star Home Academy forum access changes

in preparation to leadership change the access to Star Home Academy forums has been removed from old and/or inactive cadets. If you [still] require the access to SHA section please contact Fel'da Xesh Randell....

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HNN News

Site no longer updated

For our visitors:

Please note that with focus on the development of our new site, we have no longer been updating the present one. Information displayed may thus be out of date....

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HNN News

Hapes celebrates the anniversary of Neshig Accords

The familiar introductory sequence of the Hapan News Network flows across the screen. As the sequence reaches its conclusion, Anacia Chalcedon appears on screen, flashing a bright smile before approaching the topic at hand.

“Good evening Hapes!

Fireworks are filling th...

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