Website Credits
Hapes Consortium is a government faction - a player run group - in the Star Wars Combine, a free to play, massively multiplayer online role-playing simulation game based on the Star Wars Universe, developed by amateurs in their spare time.
Appreciation & Special Thanks
The recognition and enjoyment of the hard work and dedication individuals have put forward to make this and our previous websites become reality.

Jessy James
Alex Tylger
Zayth Kadrim
Gane Lant
Ryou Vacosa
Mors Baynos
Lilith Delcroix
Other Mentions
- Frederic Bennett, for the stunning room image used on the Royal Council page.
- User6909700 / Freepik, for original illuminated corridor image used on the Force Order page.
- Lief Ragnos (SWCombine), arrival map commissioning.