Frequently Asked Questions

In case you've happened to miss the generously sprinled links to it, we've tried to provide a good look at the joining process on our Recruitment Portal. Our listed Faction Recruitment Liaisons on the Combine faction information page are able to provide you with further assistance as needed.
Former members seeking to rejoin Hapes Consortium follow the same process as new applicants. Prior service record and the circumstances involved with their foreign endeavours are taken into account, however, when considering partial or full reinstatement of standing upon acceptance. Please note that this does not apply to members who have simply gone on a hiatus while remaining members and maintaining their citizenship.
For matters of recruitment, please see our listed Recruitment Liaisons
To contact us about other matters, you are cordially invited to visit us at our Public Discord Embassy, the link for which you will be able to find on our linked SWCombine faction information page.
Please note that you need to be logged into your member account to view the Community segment links. The faction information page on SWCombine links to our Public Discord Embassy only.
Your account may have been locked for a number of reasons:
- If you have left Hapes Consortium or our Crown corporations, your member access has been removed and account locked.
- If your account has remained inactive for an extended period of time, it has been automatically locked as a precaution. To get it unlocked, please contact your superior officer or a member of the Royal Council.
- If you entered the wrong password repeatedly, your account will be temporarily locked as a precaution, but you will be able to attempt logging in again at a later hour. If problems persist, please contact a member of the Royal Council for assistance.
- If you transferred between Hapes Consortium proper and a Crown corporation, or are on an assigned tasking outside the group, and you did not specify a reason on the Combine departure form - or it couldn't be verified - your account will have been locked manually. To rectify this, please contact your superior officer or a member of the Royal Council.
! Please note: If you have simply forgotten your password, you may login by authenticating via SWCombine on our login page.
Hapes Consortium maintains a non-expansive and a relatively isolationist outlook towards the rest of the galaxy, and holds a default stance of neutrality towards all governments, corporations, and organizations in the Galaxy.
For further details about Hapes Consortium's standing foreign relations, please refer to the Ministry of External Affairs' segment on foreign relations.
Hapes Consortium holds sovereignty over a sector known as the Hapes Cluster, located in the Inner Rim, galactic east of the Core regions. As of hapan year 4037, the Consortium also shares joint responsibility with the Trade Federation over the administration of the Neshig Sector, regarding it thus as part of its expanded Exclusive Economic Zone. Excluding treaties to the contrary, Hapes Consortium maintains its right to police the deep space within and in relative proximity of its borders, and to pursue threats beyond its borders as it deems fit.
Unless you are a member of Hapes Consortium or one of its Crown corporation, you cannot become a Hapan citizen at this time. You can check the status of the relevant legislation from the Laws & Regulations section.
Travel in the territory of the Consortium is strictly regulated and limited, as determined by the Territorial Security Act. However, the Lorell system - designated for diplomacy and commerce - is an open system that may be visited at any time by default. Please be aware that travel even to the Lorell system may be restricted by a government or military decree at a moment's notice, if determined necessary for overriding security or Cluster defence purposes.
Travel to the planet Hapes for the purpose of retrieving new members or accessing holdings on the planet Lorell requires prior permission. As of hapan year 4046, all agreements via Non-Aggression Pacts for guaranteed access have been voided. Hapes Consortium recommends that new members of the Galaxy employed by foreign organizations make use of the Public [NPC] Transport System to depart Hapes Prime.
Requests by the public or foreign organizations for shield access will typically be denied outside of limited circumstances, but such requests may be submitted for consideration to listed Contact Us method, as displayed at the very bottom-right hand side of the page.
Regrettably we must inform you that Hapes Consortium does not sell or barter with its distinct indigenous designs and technologies, be it under good fate or through coercion. This stance is attributed to Hapes Consortium's isolationist tendencies and need for cultural preservation.
While Hapes Consortium welcomes the chance to maintain respectul and cordial relations with all foreign organizations, it limits hosting permanent diplomatic missions, delegations and corporate headquarters or offices on its soil, as well as limits access to its communications networks to such organizations and entities as it has standing relations or ongoing commercial ventures with.
Groups and organizations seeking to negotiate with the government, or those who wish to discuss the possibility of joint commercial ventures, are kindly requested to approach us through the listed Contact Us method, as displayed at the very bottom-right hand side of the page.
We have moved it to the Community segment, available to our members.