Hapanii For'ta'nix
The Order
“It permeates life and spreads across the cosmos, all of us connected through it – and, perhaps, it through us. But is it a singular or a collective, anima and animus, or even a being in a way we can comprehend? Our affinity to it affords us a glimpse of its form, revealing a path towards enlightment. But be vary of its many apostles on your journeys, for those who seek dominion over all shall be rewarded only with being shackled by their ignorance.”

Hapanii For'ta'nix
Hapanii For'ta'nix - the Hapan Order of the Force. Its members are philosophers, merchants, soldiers and administrators... From the aristocrat to a cadet, those with the affinity to the Force emerge from all walks of life, defying easy categorization, unified in their quest for enlightment.
But what is the Order? Embedded within a society historically suspicious at best, or overtly hostile at worst to those who dabble with the matters of the Force, it has sought to neither attract attention nor to have to explain itself to others. It is widely believed to be the modern continuation of a long line of coteries, cabals and secret societies revolving around the study of Force by practitioners situated within the Hapes Cluster, acting under the protection and guidance of the Hapan government.
Some claim the Hapanii For'ta'nix to be a state within a state, a fifth column entity that has conspired to place its own members into important roles across the Hapan government and military, exerting undue influence over the policy of a strong and proud nation, in an effort to pursue an unknowable agenda across the galaxy. Others refute such rumours by stating that that the Order that exists behind the carefully groomed public image is likely nothing like a monolithic enterprise of such proportions, but a disparate collection of individuals and small cabals at the beck and call of the Hapan state.
Such speculation and gossip aside, what is true is that to be Force sensitive within the Consortium, means accepting the tenets of the Order and recognizing no other affiliation. That is why so many prominent Hapans can indeed be counted among the Order’s members, while accommodating those who desire to remain anonymous. The Order’s goal, however, is simply the elevation of the society as a whole, through the betterment of the individual and their greater understanding of the self and the Force.
To that end it offers sanctuary and guidance for its members to contemplate, experiment and study the Force, to train in its arts and to debate its nature and our place in the universe with others; To further the individual so that the individual might further their surroundings in turn. That is not to say that martial prowess or control over the manifestations of the Force would not be found useful among the Order, as to leave them underdeveloped would be considered unacceptably wasteful. But it is only through the ascension of the mind and spirit by which the full extent of one’s potential can be unlocked.
While the Order is believed to operate mostly in a collegial fashion, it is a sprawling entity operating on numerous layers, each weaved deeper into the hidden tapestry of the Consortium’s past – ensuring that its most intimate knowledge and teachings of the path to enlightment remain well guarded secrets, shrouded both in mystery and obfuscation.

The Path
Beneath the bustle of the streets of Lorell, below the burrowed ruins of the first colonies of the Raiders, some of the ancient tunnels that once failed to offer sanctuary from the purge of the Jedi still await those seeking answers from the past. Somewhere there in the suffocating darkness of endless corridors, amidst the rubble and the forgotten dead, a pathway of a different era lays open to a shrine.
To the lost, it will offer refuge, and to the mindful, wisdom. To the patient it provides purpose, and to the restless a promise of things to come. Above all, it is the beginning of a journey, and we who came before have prepared the way.
Find it, and we shall find you, on your path towards true illumination.