Ministry of Industry
Ministry Overview
The Ministry of Industry (MoInd) was established in 4032 to help organise the massive construction projects of the Hapes Consortium during the era of heavy industrialization that was of unprecedented scale for any nation at that point in modern galactic history. Over time, it has come to come to cover the roles of many now defunct departments, overseeing all the government's industrial activities, including mining, manufacturing and production processes, infrastructure construction, and related logistics and labour matters, with the minister also chairing the Royal League of Commerce that acts as the oversight and coordination body for all industrial affairs between the Hapan government and its Crown Corporations and Nationalized Companies.
The prominent role the ministry has played in furthering the prosperity of the Hapes Consortium and supporting the build-up of its military strength since its inception, and its continued success of managing its projects in the eyes of the Sovereign, is best seen in the way the ministry has typically enjoyed the most stable prospects of stature of any of those organizations represented at the Lorell Hall since its founding.
Coming of Age
The Ministry of Industry has been the backbone of the Hapan economy and industrial sector since 4032, when it was created to plan, run, and complete the many large construction projects and industrialization goals of the Hapan Government. The Ministry co-ordinated such massive tasks as the Gormoth Project with the Office of the Prime Minister and Ministry of Culture in 4033, the Malnuir Project, the Scylla Project (with the Imperial Union), the Hapan Outpost Project (I & II), the Daein Project, the Hapan Shield Project, and others, which helped sustain the population boom that saw Hapes Consortium grow to be the most populous government in the galaxy for a time. In the past half a decade, the ministry has seen the completion of numerous new planetary scale economic developmental projects in the aftermath of the galactic scale economic stagnation and income depreciation, beyond overseeing the continuously increasing manufacturing and production capacities at ground based industrial complexes and orbital yard hubs.
The Ministry of Industry originally consisted of four departments: Infrastructure, Labor, Resources, as well as taking over the role of Trade from the defunct Ministry of Trade though the department has since been re-envisioned and is now part of the Ministry of Finance. The Ministry is now seen as divided among the Departments of Infrastructure, Labour, Production, and Resources, coordinated through the Royal League of Commerce that de facto has director level representation of the various departments and Crown Corporations.
In addition, the Minister of Industry sits on the Research Council as it is unofficially called, which is the oversight and coordination group for the various government research & development organizations.