Hapan Diplomacy & Foreign Relations
Hapan Diplomacy
While maintaining various diplomatic and trade relations with the galaxy beyond the Hapes Cluster, the Hapes Consortium is well known for its seclusive tendencies, motived by millennia of relative isolationism.
Regardless of the existing ideological differences between the Consortium and many of the galaxy's governments and power blocs, there is a strong belief within the Hapan government that a keen interest in understanding the foreign cultures and their governments, as well as the recognition of shared values, are both important to maintaining respecful relations with foreign powers. The desire to ensure stability and peace in its region of space, as well as the acknowledgement of the benefits inherent with cooperation, has seen Hapes Consortium concluding a number of notable treaties with foreign powers during its existence.
Most prominent among them have been the signing of the founding treaty of the first Imperial Union with the Galactic Empire, the bilateral alliance formed with the Trade Federation with the signing of the Neshig Accords, and the subsequent joining of the first Galactic Concordiate with the ratification of the Treaty of Forsetti in 4040.
The government maintains for its internal use a classification of standing relations with foreign governments and organizations, as well as a depository of active treaties and agreements, overseen by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in conjunction with the Ministry of Intelligence.
No Treaties: Default Neutrality
Organizations and entities that the Hapes Consortium has had no prior contact or relations with are treated as Neutral for diplomatic purposes. This does not apply to undeclared and unauthorized entry into the Hapes Cluster by individuals or organizations, as determined by the Territorial Security Act.
Non-Aggression Pact
A staple of galactic diplomacy, signed with foreign governments, as well as notable conglomerates and military organizations, to signify stable and respectful relations between parties.
Trade deals and Contracts
Commercial agreements for the purchase of services, property and technologies, including intellectual property are commonplace between Hapes Consortium and its chosen partners around the galaxy, with the Consortium continuing to spend billions of credits annually on acquisitions of goods and services.
Please note that the Hapes Consortium does not provide general services to the public, including but not limited to the sale of, or bartering with its indigenous technologies.
Cooperative pacts and agreements
Agreements of various natures that cover cooperation and/or assistance, such as for hosting foreign corporate headquarters on Hapan soil, investment agreements, or for example the exchange of judicial records on known criminals.
Nationalization of a corporation as a Crown Corporation of the Hapes Consortium.
Be it with a coalition of powers or with individual ones, alliances are typically the realm of government entities, representing unusually close and continuing relations between the Hapes Consortium and friendly foreign organizations, with the treaty covering such matters as mutual policies, military co-operation, and/or economic partnership.
Mission Statement
Neshig Accords

Past Affiliations
Hapes Consortium has in its past been the founding member of two prominent galactic coalitions;
The first Imperial Union, founded with Galactic Empire, and expanded with the addition of Mandalore, Trade Federation, Tion Hegemony, and Aurodium Legion.
Membership period: Galactic Year 7 - 13
The first Galactic Concordiate, through the Treaty of Forsetti, founded alongside the Trade Federation, Mandalore, Tion Hegemony, and Aurodium Legion.
Membership period: Galactic Year 14 - 19