Appointment of a Minister

Category: HNN Broadcasted on 23.May.2018 - 01:44hrs Author Zayth Kadrim Comments: 0

A representative to the Royal Council has announced that Har Tay, Deputy Minister and the acting head of the Ministry of the Interior, has just been appointed as Minister during a closed ceremony held at the Lorell Hall, officiated by Prime Minister Cyrus.

“Har Tay, during his interim leadership of the Ministry of the Interior, has demonstrated he is capable of shouldering the responsibility of overseeing such key government operations as rest with the ministry, and holds the trust of his peers and colleagues within the Royal Council. As a senior official who has previously served on the Royal Council as the Minister of Industry, we know his work and dedication will be to the greater benefit of the Consortium.”

The representative also noted that the Fountain Palace has expressed His Majesty’s pleasure over the way the transitions at the top of the Ministry of Defence and the Interior have been carried out.

The newly confirmed Fel’da Tay had the following to say on his confirmation:
“I would like to take a moment to thank everyone who I’ve worked with, both within Lorell Hall and throughout the Consortium for their support over the years and I look forward to serving the Ministry and Crown with Honor.”

Stay tuned for more news.

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