Military Forces Issues Red Alert Recall

Category: Breaking Broadcasted on 30.Apr.2021 - 01:39hrs Author Zayth Kadrim Comments: 0

>> Open SecMilLink > Activate:Broadcast Alert 8871071-Red-Public > Attachment:2214555
>> Processing Authorization … .… ……
>> Link Activated – Initiate OPERATION MAYHEM

:: From Hapan Central Command, on board the Hapes Defence in orbit of Hapes Prime
:: For immediate public release

Alert to all military personnel, auxiliary reserves, and willing civilian volunteers.

Full mobilization of the Royal Hapan Armed Forces is under way due to the discovery of an amassing foreign fleet close to the Cluster borders. Increased sightings of foreign carrier movements on trade routes leading to the Cluster through the Neshig sector have been followed by the detection of reconnaissance and vanguard units by our deep space signals satellites, with visual confirmation of hostile formations of significant scale made by long range scouts at three separate forward staging locations, all in proximity to the Dillaem Wall section of the Transitory Mists.

Hostilities are inevitable, and imminent.

In response, a large naval task force of many thousands of ships is being assembled to be able to deploy within two weeks to the Neshig sector, under codename Operation Mayhem. Naval and Marine personnel able to partake in the deployment are to report in to their superiors. Signups are open for registered auxiliaries and civilian volunteers.

[[ Sign ups, like all operational communication, will be handled through Hapes’ Discord. Check out #mayhem-signup and follow #news for more information]]
[[ OPERATION MAYHEM is possibly the largest scale military exercise we have ever planned; A custom made admin made combat zone scenario, where space combat is enabled for all fighter, gunboat and corvette-class vessels, but without player deaths possible. Thousands of ships will be pushed to the grinder against an enemy that is at least our equal in size and technological advancement. ]]
[[ Scenario is planned to begin around the second week of May and to last till the end of the month, and is open to all Hapan members of all branches (including nationalized corporations) who might be interested in getting a taste of space combat in a large team based setting. ]]

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