Site no longer updated
For our visitors:
Please note that with focus on the development of our new site, we have no longer been updating the present one. Information displayed may thus be out of date....
The Hapan News Network is Hapes centralized News Network. HNN was founded in 4028, following the amalgamation of core news services throughout the Cluster. HNN is headquartered on Hapes Prime, with countless stations on all planets, and thousands of news agents in the field. HNN prides itself with providing you with the most accurate and reliable news possible about the events taking place within the Hapes Cluster.
For our visitors:
Please note that with focus on the development of our new site, we have no longer been updating the present one. Information displayed may thus be out of date....
Howdy folks. I just flipped the annual server bill and wanted to reach out to anyone that may be on the donating fence. if you are then now would be a great time to do so. See the support us link to your left for more information. Thanks!...
An unexpected departure of several Ministry of the Interior officials has turned a scheduled awards ceremony into an impromptu emergency planning session in the Office of Hapan Recruitment.
Fel’da of the Interior took stock of the situation, acknowledging the good work of both current OHR personnel...
== RHAF Log Work Awards ==
First off, apologies for the late post on this. I have been liaising with the Royal Council and the King to coordinate some posts, but after detailed discussions it has been decided this will be released separately to the other posts.
With that being said, let me lead rig...
You may have noticed a few extra ComUnits repeating themselves today, this was because of some testing I have been doing. I apologize for the extras!
Thanks for your continued patience :)...
The familiar introductory sequence of the Hapan News Network flashes across the screen. As the sequence comes to an end, Anacia Chalcedon appears on screen. She smiles warmly before she begins to speak.
“Good evening Hapes,
Tonight we have a very s...
As of today all comunits older than three months will be auto deleted. ComUnits now automatically forward to your email, so make sure you update that on your profile, and you can use your local email program to retain any if you want.
The database went from 60.000+ ComUnits to just under 4k....
The Hapan News Network theme-tune fades out as a smiling visage of Anacia Chalcedon appears on the screen. The logo of Ministry of the Interior is displayed prominently in the background.
"Good afternoon Hapes!" She pauses adjusting her pose as the camera angle is changed and a portrait of Deputy Minister Randell is superi...
Not that I plan on getting into the habit of doing a "Sync Digest", but I have done so many updates I thought I make take a page out of the combine. So here we go:
New Features:
Added "Rack Builder" to My Home page.
Rack Builder gives you the ability to sort the order of your ribbons, which you can they use on the forum. If you only have one you won't really need this,...
Howdy folks! Let me start of by saying I am glad to be back! Despite a little activity dip, I am totally surprised at the effort you have all been putting in, and keeping things as smooth as they are. For that, I applaud you!
Over the last few weeks I have been updating quite a few of our hapes.org pages, I have added some new medals (Special thanks to Stylez and Lilith for their help!!),...
Thanks to Colonel Stylez we now have a chest patch for all those involved in the planning and execution of the Star Home Academy.
With the SHA now going live, thanks to Rillek completing the final steps, I would like to reward the following with said patch:
His Royal Highness, King Kadrim
Colonel Heyallo Styl...
The Hapan News Network theme begins to play as Anacia Chalcedon appears on the screen in front of the Ministry of the Interior logo. She smiles as she begins to address the audience.
“Good Evening, Hapes,
Late last month Kal Djin, acting Minister of the Interior, announced his retirement, citing the need for more intensive...
The introductory sequence of the Hapan News Network begins with the lush worlds of the Cluster fading across the screen accompanied by the theme melody of the Hapan News Network. As the sequence ends a stylistic change to the channel's design is apparent. Anacia Chalcedon appears on screen in front of the backdrop of the Ministry of Ind...
The introductory sequence of the Hapan News Network begins with the lush landscapes throughout the Cluster flashing and fading across the screen, accompanied by the theme melody. As the sequence ends, a stylistic change to the channel's design is apparent. Anacia Chalcedon appears on screen in front of the backdrop of Lorell Hall, standi...
Press release originally published on the Trade Federation News Network by Marcus Justinian.
The theme of the Hapan News Network begins to play, images of a number of recognizable and prominent worlds of the Consortium flashing by the screen beginning with Lorell and ending with the image becoming focused on a glowing Hapes Prime, the capital planet bathing in the soft light reflected upon it from its many moons. The logo o...
The Rai'ix Chume has been announced to have entered the jungles of Ediorung in the early dawn while accompanied by a small retinue of hand picked bodyguards, with the apparent intent to be hunting large quarry in the seclusion and peace of his home system.
"We're not coming out till he [the Rai'ix Chume] has killed something huge or the bodies pile up to the forest canopy. Then we're h...
The Hapan Deathmatch has concluded, marked by an even final round which could have gone either way... In the end, the noble admiral made way for the victory of the throne.
A total of just over 323 million credits have been paid out by the MoF as a result, composed of winnings by individuals from the three different community games we ran over the holidays up till now; The christmas prize ...
The introductory sequence of the Hapan News Network flashes across the screen. As the sequence comes to an end, the familiar visage of Anacia Chalcedon appears on screen in front of the Castle of Per`Agthra. She flashes a soft smile to the viewers before beginning to speak.
“Good afternoon, Hapes. In wake of th...
The introductory sequence of the Hapan News Network begins with images of the Consortium's worlds flashing across the screen accompanied by the uplifting theme melody. As the segment comes to an end, Anacia Chalcedon appears on screen before the familiar backdrop of the Castle of Per'Agthra. She smiles before addressing the viewer...
From the office of the Minister of Intelligence – For immediate release
The Ministry of Intelligence is pleased to announce the appointment of Tyberias Teloii BlackIron as Deputy Minister (Fel'ta) of Intelligence.
The appointment signifies the ministry...
Advertisements cease as the Hapan Evening comes back on, and Anacia Chalcedon is once again visible in the Hapan News Network studio.
"After arriving in Chume`Dan, the Trade Federation representatives were led inside the Fountain Palace by senior representatives of the Hapes Consortium. The visitors were given an official to...
The familiar introductory sequence of the Hapan News Network flashes across the screen. As the sequence comes to an end, Anacia Chalcedon appears on screen in front of the Castle of Per`Agthra. She smiles warmly before she begins to speak.
"Good evening, Hapes!
Earlier today, a task force of Trade Federation vessels...
The introductory melody of the Hapan News Network begins, with images from the Consortium`s worlds flash across the screen. As the sequence comes to an end, a stylistic change to the channel`s design is apparent. Anacia Chalcedon appears on screen before the backdrop of the Endara Reclaim Industries logo. She smiles before addressing...