The Hapan Deathmatch Ends

Category: Community Broadcasted on 07.Feb.2014 - 02:12hrs Author Zayth Kadrim Comments: 0

The Hapan Deathmatch has concluded, marked by an even final round which could have gone either way... In the end, the noble admiral made way for the victory of the throne.

A total of just over 323 million credits have been paid out by the MoF as a result, composed of winnings by individuals from the three different community games we ran over the holidays up till now; The christmas prize hunt, the new year's raffle, and as the last installment, the deathmatch which included both a Hapes backed betting pool and prizes for all who made it to the semi-finals and beyond.

Running something like this for the holidays is a nice tradition and cause enough in itself, even if the composition and order of the games this time around were intended to gauge community participation in addition to promoting it by having something to regularly check up on.

Meanwhile, matters are progressing in the background, and we look forward to involving more people with the practical planning and preparations for the changes and improvements that are yet to be revealed in their entirety. While patience is to be counseled to us all while waiting to see them come to fruition, I must thank Alarendor Cyrus, Romar Feren and Kal Djin for their commitment to meeting the expectations with seeing the vision of an improved tomorrow carried out from the realm of abstractions into existence.

Before we move on from the HDM entirely though, our resident commentator is expected to be covering soon the last few rounds of the deathmatch in the relevant Lounge thread. Enjoy, and till next time.

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