Wages Increased & Lorell Hall news

Category: Breaking Broadcasted on 17.Nov.2014 - 02:50hrs Author Zayth Kadrim Comments: 0

The Ministry of Finance in conjuction with the Lorell Hall are pleased to announce that the payscale in use by Hapes Consortium has been revised, with all wages receiving a notable increase with immediate effect. For example, an entry level Lerin will see their wage increased from 1,500,000 to 4,000,000 credits per month, and the overall wage structure will be similarly adjusted to reflect the scale now going from 4 million to 10 million credits, replacing the old progression ranging from 1,5 million to 7 million credits.

Click this link to view the new wage structure.

Please note: The payment of wages will continue to occur once a month, after Merit Points have been allocated and accounted for towards any possible promotions. It should be noted additionally, that unlike MP allocation, wages are paid based on darkness login data: Failure to log in frequently (at a minimum once a week) will result in wages being withheld for that month for the active or reservist staff member in question.

The ushering of the new payscale comes with a price, however, as Gane Lant, the long serving Minister of Finance and Lord Regent of the Consortium, will be stepping down as Minister of Finance in accordance with his wishes to better focus his available time to his remaining duties as Lord Regent, and to other pursuits related to his governance of Gallinore as Grand Duke. The Fountain Palace has expressed its heartfelt thanks to Tarix Chume Lant for his years of reliable service as head of the Finance ministry, and appreciation for his ongoing role in advicing the Throne and aiding it with the administration of the Hapan government.

Furthermore, the approaching ending of the year sees the final stage carried out of the planned phased out retirements of such notable figures such as Evan Crawford, Har Tay, and Ryou Vacosa from their positions as Deputy Ministers to MoEA, MoInd and MoD, respectively. These three venerable gentlemen are thus finally able to freely roam the Cluster after having spent roughly a year in a government retirement program that saw them exchange positions with their previous deputies in an effort to ensure for a smooth transition at all ministries.

Finally, the Lorell Hall has wished it to be made known that the King intends to be addressing the members of the Consortium shortly over a secure broadcast. Stay tuned for more...

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