The Hapes Consortium consists of multiple smaller governments, cultures and species, many of which have their own language. Even so, Hapan is the lingua franca of the Hapes Cluster and the first language of most Hapani-humans.

Hapan Languages


Hapan is the first language of most of the Hapes Consortium's subjects. As the Hapani-human race is the dominant and ruling species of the Hapes Cluster, the language is utilized in all official capacities. It gradually developed by combining many dialects and languages spoken by the Lorell Raiders with languages of species native to the Hapes Cluster. Phrases and words from Galactic Basic were also muddled in to the language up until the Hapes Consortium closed its borders to the outside galaxy in 2051.








Morthi, of Morthorn in the Zaa system, is the language of diplomacy in the Hapes Consortium. The language's influence and useage spread throughout the Hapes Cluster after the annexation of the Zaa system during the Second Expansion Era. The Morthornians became diplomats for the Hapan government and utilised their native language while carrying out their duties. This lead to the language primarily spreading among the non-human species of the Hapes Cluster.




Mairian is the language of the Mairian species from Maires in the Hapan system.


Orelonian was a language of trade and diplomacy spoken by the diverse inhabitants of the Orthwell system prior to the collapse of the star Orelon in 3189. It incorporated many elements of Morthi and was also popular among traders and pilots, causing it to spread to many of the Rim Worlds systems. Elements of Orelonian can be found in the Arxian and Alsacan dialects of Hapan, but the language itself is hardly ever used.

Galactic Basic

Hapan in the Galaxy

Since the Hapes Consortium opened its borders in 4024, the outside galaxy has been gradually exposed to more and more Hapan through trade, diplomacy and politics. Hapan is considered difficult to learn for foreigners due to the complex and seemingly random grammar, along with the many diverse dialects that may confuse learners. Hapans emigrating from the Hapes Cluster have also caused the spread of the language across the spacelanes and some make good money as translators as the Hapes Consortium's political standing in the galaxy becomes more and more relevant.

See Also