Template:UnderConstruction Template:Jessica James Victoria Xi'a Chume James is Jessy James (King James I) (Jessy Rai'ix Chume James Hapesah) wife and was the queen of Hapes during her husbands reign in the years from 4027 to 4037. Victoria was born and raised on Maires where she later met her husband. She currently resides on the planet Riileb in the Rii System with her husband in their extravagant palace.


Early Life

Victoria was the second of three children born in her family. She has two siblings in total, her older brother Eleck Waiyden and her younger sister Varia Waiyden. All three children grew up on Maires in their parents Villa and enjoyed all the luxuries wealth could buy. Both her parents had highly paid respectable jobs within the government, her mother worked at the nursing education centre and her father was a politician.

University Years

Victoria graduated from the University of Maires in 4015. During her University years her father grew ill and she was constantly taking time off to help him. After her graduation she dedicated herself to helping him at work. It was during the annual defense budget meetings in 4016 that Leto Chume introduced her to Jessy James, a high ranking naval officer at the time. The two fell in love on sight and met frequently over the months to pass.

Family Life


The couple married in 4017 and spent their 21 day honeymoon in Rii which included a skiing holiday in the northern territories and a week in the warm south.


Jessy and Victoria went on to have two children, their first was Jessica James who was born on Day 18 4018 at the National Andrew Hospital. Due to the politics and daily hectic, the couple did not have another child until several years later. On Day 79, Year 4034 at 0600 hrs locale time on Hapes, the couple welcomed their son, Orion James, into the world, again at the National Andrew Hospital.

Political Picture

Ta'a Chume (Queen)

During her husband's reign (40274037) Victoria served as Xi'a Chume (Queen consort) of Hapes. Her role was minor compared to her husbands, however she insisted on showing up for all important meetings and was a constant sight at any public appearance. Victoria was seen as the kind and loving queen any King would want, she was known as a role model for many of the younger generation.

The years after Ta'a Chume

In 4037 the family moved from Targorn to Riileb and constructed a multi million credit home city with a luxurious palace only surpassed by the Fountain Palace itself. Jessy James insisted the family move to the new location to enhance the quality of life. Next to the palace is the James Ranch and the James Zoo, filled with exotic animals from all over the Cluster.

The family also own a large amount of personal ships, from the Battle Corvette HRS Artemis to the Super Star Destroyer HRS Tini'duran. Despite all the travelling the family did during their reign, they still enjoy travelling and sightseeing all over the cluster.

Since their political retirement in 4037 the family has withdrawn from most of the daily politics, their daughter Jessica James is the only one to carry an official role within the Hapan Government. Even so, Jessy James is still known to meet with King Alex Tylger on a frequent basis, even if it is unofficially.