Template:Jessy James Jessy James (King James I) (Jessy Rai'ix Chume James Hapesah), born 3990, was the King of the Hapes Consortium between 4027 and 4037. He was crowned following the abdication of King Andrew in 4027 and has led the Consortium in to a new Golden Age. To this day he enjoys an enormous popularity both within the Hapes Cluster and elsewhere and is largely considered responsible for the success of the Hapes Consortium's industrial and commercial projects during his reign. Under his rule the government has gone through a series of reforms, becoming more centralised with most major decisions being made by officials on Hapes Prime.

Prior to his ascension to the throne, James was a career officer in the Royal Hapan Navy. He took over as naval commander in 4014 following the death of Jacevel Canler and became Grand Admiral in 4020. For his work on expanding the Royal Hapan Armed Forces and securing the Hapes Cluster, he was titled Crown Prince in 4025.

Jessy James retired on Year 4037 Day 82, leaving the throne to the Crown Prince and Lord Alex Tylger. Jessy James retired to the Rii System and retained the title of King as honorary title. King Jessy James kept the position of Ambassador to the Imperial Union and Royal Advisor to the throne.

Early Life

Details of the King's early life are shrouded in mystery, especially those relating to his family and heritage. It is rumoured the he is the descendant of a noble family, but nothing has ever been confirmed. He was born on Vergill in the Hapan system and grew up in a fairly moderate environment which shaped his trademark calm and relaxed demeanor.

He attended the First University of Vergill where he earned a degree in diplomacy, finance and naval tactics. As the Hapes Consortium was still reluctant about opening its borders to the outside galaxy and the Hapan economy was still struggling, the young James decided to pursue a career within the military.

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Student Jessy James off to the bars on Vergill.
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HRS Tini'duran during her construction phase near the planet Jyll of the Charu System.

Military Career

Imperial Navy

As the Royal Hapan Navy was still struggling with the re-unification efforts after the Dark Age, James traveled out of the Hapes Cluster and enlisted in the Imperial Navy, the space fleet of the Galactic Empire. He served in both the 6th Imperial Support Fleet and 3rd Imperial Recon Fleet where he acquainted himself with many individuals who would later rise to fame as the leaders of the Galactic Empire.

He earned himself command of the feared Armageddon squadron, a fighter wing attached to the 3rd Imperial Fleet. Here he learned about the major naval powers of the galaxy, their firepower, tactics, numbers and strategies which he would put to use later in life. Eventually he grew tired of the spartan life in the Imperial Navy and returned to the Hapes Cluster.

James left the fleet in an Imperial Lamba Shuttle Joosh, which remained his personal shuttle until present day. In 4037 James sent the ship for a rehaul and service with Olanji, included in the rehaul was a repaint of the ship with James official House Colors as seen below.

Royal Hapan Navy

Upon returning to the Hapes Cluster, he enlisted in the Royal Hapan Navy where he received the starting rank of Lieutenant due to his experience and skills. He decided to change direction and got himself out of the pilot seat by choosing a career within capital ship command. He started as a bridge officer and executive officer of the HRS Intrepid, a Nova Battle Cruiser attached to the 1st Hapan Fleet.

Following the death of the ship's commander during a skirmish with pirates in the Keltros Expanse, he was promoted to Lieutenant Commander and was given command of the vessel. He led the ship successfully in to a number of engagement with pirates, drawing upon his experience from the Imperial Navy. For this, he was awarded the silver Medal of Combat and promoted to Commander.

Commander of the 1st Hapan Fleet

After commanding the HRS Intrepid for several years, he was appointed fleet commander of the 1st Hapan Fleet with the rank of Commodore. Sirius Threestars was appointed as his executive officer. Several promising naval officers rose through the ranks under his command, such as Juthan Karrde, Sala Mander, Galin Rudge and Alexander Tylger.

His style of leadership and prospering fleet caught the attention of King Andrew who appreciated his devotion to his fleet and crew.

Naval Commander

Jacevel Canler was killed in a skirmish within the Transitory Mists in 4014, resulting in James' ascension to the position Naval Commander. He changed the direction of the Royal Hapan Navy, adopting more modern methods which he had employed in his time in the 1st Hapan Fleet. He worked tirelessly to expand the size of the Royal Hapan Navy and secure the Hapes Cluster.

In 4020 he was promoted to Grand Admiral by King Andrew, his first step towards becoming Crown Prince of the Hapes Consortium. Jessy James was the first and last Grand Admiral ever to serve in the Royal Hapan Navy.

Crown Prince

James was named King Andrew's heir in 4025. This was not particularly surprising to anyone as his leadership of the Royal Hapan Navy had earned him an elevated status and role of the people's hero within the Hapes Consortium. James retired from the Royal Hapan Navy shortly after his appointment and went in to isolation to study for his eventual reign and King.

While in exile, many events unfolded which he was not aware of. King Andrew became ill and appointed Lord Alexander Tylger as Prime Minister and Regent. When James finally returned to Hapes Prime in 4027, King Andrew abdicated and James was crowned as the new King of the Hapes Consortium.


King James' reign of the Hapes Consortium has been a fairly peaceful era marked by a rapid growth in the Hapan economy and the expansion and modernisation of the Royal Hapan Armed Forces. His relaxed but firm rule has made him a popular figure, not only in the Hapes Cluster but also elsewhere in the galaxy.

Government Policies

One of King Andrew's last major executive acts was the appointment of Lord Tylger as Prime Minister which led the the re-opening of Lorell Hall. The government has since undergone a series of major reforms with the steady abolishment of older departments such as Central Hapan Intelligence and the establishment of effective ministries. During his rule there have been seven Prime Ministers with cabinets of various sizes and recently the Civil Service has been established. The different cabinets have focused on different issues, while the last two have been marked by industrial and economic expansion.

Industrial & Commercial Policies

The first major industrial achievement of King James' rule was the development of Terephon, which was later followed by the highly successful Gormoth Project, ensuring the establishment of the Hapes Consortium as an economic titan in the galaxy. As final major industrial project King James saw the completion of Haradan.

The merging of the old Hapan Consortium and Olanji/Charubah shipyards in to the Olanji Corporation ensured smooth and effective ship production for the Hapes Consortium and much focus has been put on the development of large and effective nationalised companies.

Diplomatic Policies

While King Andrew had maintained a close relationship with Black Sun, a friendly relationship with the Rebel Alliance and a cold front towards the Galactic Empire, the ascension of James as the King of the Hapes Consortium led to a shift in foreign relations.

The relationship with Black Sun, which had ensured a steady flow of raw materials and goods to the Hapes Cluster, quickly deteriorated. After Qel Dar came to power in the crime syndicate, Lorell became a target for their more shady operations which led to a full scale military conflict from which the Consortium emerged as the victory.

The Hapes Consortium also severely reduced its contact with the Rebel Alliance, keeping relations on the level of mere non aggression. Contact was established with the Galactic Empire, though little was actually accomplished until Emperor Uebles came to power in 4031. A much anticipated non-aggression contract was established with a Victory Star Destroyer (HRS Glory II) donated to the Hapes Consortium as a symbol of the Galactic Empire's intention of taking the contract seriously. The announcement was met with disbelief and even hatred in certain parts of the galaxy, especially in Rebel Alliance controlled space, but the hysteria eventually died down.

During King Andrew's reign, talks of the Tri-Star Alliance had been an important issue on the Hapan government's agenda. The intended alliance called for military, economic and industrial co-operation between the Hapes Consortium, New Anzat Order and Falleen Federation. Plans were scrapped as far as Hapan involvement went shortly after James became King and relations with the Anzati government deteriorated further after Operation Horizon when the Dellalt Conflict occurred.

Relations with the Galactic Empire were strengthened further with the economic and industrial Imperial Union in 4033. The Hapes Consortium and Galactic Empire (with its affiliated states) entered an equal union with the promise of economic co-operation and somewhat limited exchange of technology.

Military Policies

While the Hapes Consortium has more or less constantly maintained its neutrality in the Galactic Civil War, military might has always been an important issue for James during his reign, as it was during his time as commander of the Royal Hapan Navy.

The Royal Hapan Armed Forces' funding has increased severely over the last few years and the Hapes Consortium has constantly been looking for more ways to further strengthen the already heavily fortified Hapes Cluster. Military analysts have estimated the Royal Hapan Armed Forces have increased well over ten times in size since the start of James’ rule. This has only been possible with the strong Hapan economy that has been built up during his reign. The Consortium's recent entry in to the Imperial Union has opened some doors to technology previously not available for Hapan scientists and will most likely ensure the strengthening of the Hapes Cluster's security.


On Year 4037 Day 82 (Combine year 11, day 82) Jessy James retired as King of Hapes. The official post to the nation was made the same day and can be viewed here

King James left the throne to no other than Crown Prince Alex Tylger, and indicated in his speach to the nation that the retirement had been a long time in planning. The transition of power went without any turbulances and was most likely one of the smoothest transitions in the history of documented leadership changes known to the galaxy. As per Hapan policy, no post was made on GNS, however a GNS newsflash was broadcasted by the local media

King James Retires - 4037 - Year 11 Day 82 Combine Time GNS Event.

Personal Life

James is a quiet person when it comes to his personal life, he enjoys spending time in his personally designed city in the Rii system, which is governed by House James. James considers it a home away from home and enjoys the mostly undeveloped countryside. Because of his busy life, James has made sure recreation never comes too short and had the HRS Tini'duran designed to include a massive recreation deck, named the Kings Deck. Here his majesty has a personal swimming pool, observation lounge, dining room and personal quarters. The deck has one (known) turbo lift access, which is heavily guarded by Phoenix High Guards.

Family & Marriage

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House James Family Crest.

Despite his otherwise hectic life, James met his wife, Queen Victoria, in 4027 on a visit to Maires. The meeting was arranged by Leto Chume, a retainer of House James. The couple married in 4028 and spent their 21 day honeymoon in Rii which included a skiing holiday in the northern territories and a week in the warm south.

On Day 79, Year 4034 at 0600 hrs locale time on Hapes, the couple welcomed their son, Orion James, into the world at the National Andrew Hospital. Their son resides with his parents on Targorn, living in the Family Palace. The couple have plans for another child down the road, but have not revealed any details.


After his retirement the family decided to move from the palace city on Targorn and build a new palace city in Riileb. Located near the great Rilleb River and just 20 minutes from the Ocean the former King constructed a massive new palace city. The city includes a Zoo and Ranch, along with a few defence establishments and parks. Construction on the city started in 4037 shortly after his retirement.

Private Fleet

The Joosh after her rehaul in 4037.

Over the years James has collected a private armada of ships. During his early reign many of these ships were donated to the Royal Hapan Navy. As of his retirement James owns the Neb-b frigatte HJ Enterprise, the CR92 Battle Corvette HRS Artemis, the CR90A Tini'duran Ambassador Shuttle, the lamba shuttle Joosh, a tabder class heavy freighter and several bulk freighters. The ships are stationed in the Rii System and manned by House James personal.

All of James' ships have upgraded personal quarters and recreational decks where space permits. The ships are exceptionally well maintained and enjoy regular overhauls and upgrades. While the cargo fleet is kept pretty busy on raw material mines on Braldazinbar James is known to take the other vessels out for regular trips in the cluster.


James is known to be a collector of rare or hard to get ships. It is rumoured he owns an A Wing, X Wing and B Wing however it is unknown how he obtained them. Rumours say Alley Trepe assisted in a deal with some questionable traders in the underworld, however nothing has been confirmed.

Hapan Service

Royal Family of the Hapes Consortium
House James
Preceded by:
Andrew Starfyre
King of the Hapes Consortium
Succeeded by:<br./>Alex Tylger
Preceded by:
Crown Prince of the Hapes Consortium
Succeeded by:<br./>None
Preceded by:
Jacevel Canler
Commanding Officer of the Royal Hapan Navy
Succeeded by:<br./>Sirius Threestars
Preceded by:
Jacevel Canler
Fleet Commander of the 1st Hapan Fleet
Succeeded by:<br./>Sirius Threestars