These are the laws of the Hapes Consortium. Every Hapan, no matter their professional situation, and every foreigner within Hapan territory, must abide by them. Failure to do so will result in their prosecution within the full extent of the law.

The Ministry of the Interior is responsible for their legislation and enforcement. Any questions or comments concerning points of law should be sent to the Minister of the Interior.


BE IT PROCLAIMED that the Hapes Consortium exists and has existed from aeons past and shall exist for ever-more as a unified nation under the rule of Law and the supremacy of the Crown. Ours is to govern, defend and ensure the well being of the Hapan realm and its people in the name of Honour, Pride and Glory. This Constitution is the foundation upon which We place Our trust and belief in the Consortium.



All executive and legislative power on and over the Hapes Consortium is vested in the Sovereign.


The Sovereign is the Head of the State and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. Depending on their sex, they hold the title of ‘King of Hapes’ or ‘Queen of Hapes’.


The Sovereign is the fount of honours from which the peerage is instated.


Said powers are exercised while respecting the fundamental equality between Hapans, regardless of their race, species, faith, sex, sexual orientation or marital status.


In their capacity as Commander-in-Chief, the Sovereign holds absolute authority on all matters relating to Their Armed Forces.


All formal actions executed by the Hapan Government are done so in the name and on behalf of the Sovereign.


The Sovereign is inviolable. Therefore, responsibility over the actions of the Crown rests with the Royal Council and its individual Ministers for their respective departments.


The Hapes Consortium affirms itself to a state of neutrality in external affairs at all times, unless provoked directly or indirectly, or its sovereignty is threatened by an outside force.


Template:LawChange-Note The space directly above the Capital planet is deemed sacrosanct and inviolable by space vessels equipped for warfare. No warship is therefore to approach or orbit the Capital planet.


Neither the Crown nor any Hapan shall resort to death in administering any punishment against another.



Henceforth there shall be a cabinet to assist and advise the Sovereign titled the ‘Royal Council’, which shall be composed of the various Ministers of the Crown and presided by the Prime Minister.


The Sovereign shall have the exclusive prerogative to appoint a Prime Minister who shall preside over Their government and supervise the performance and work of the Ministers of the Crown. The Prime Minister serves at the pleasure and discretion of the Sovereign.


The Sovereign has the exclusive authority, with the advice of the Prime Minister, to appoint Ministers of the Crown and mandate them with a portfolio according to the stipulations of the Structure Appendix. Said Ministers serve at the pleasure and discretion of the Sovereign.


The Ministers of the Crown shall head their mandated departments in accordance to the rules of the Structure Appendix and any other orders issued by the Sovereign. The Ministers are responsible for all matters and issues pertaining to their portfolio.


The Royal Council, notwithstanding the Sovereign, is the highest executive body over the Hapes Consortium and shall advise and assist the Sovereign on all matters.



The successor to the Throne shall be chosen at the behest of the reigning Sovereign. Upon the latter’s abdication or death, the named successor shall access the Throne immediately as the next Sovereign.


Template:LawChange-Note If the reigning Sovereign does not see fit to name a successor, or if their death occurs before they are capable of choosing one; then a Convention, composed of the following, shall elect a successor:

a) Members of the Royal Council who have served there-in for at least one year.

b) Members of the Peerage who have actively participated in State affairs for the past six consecutive months.


The Convention as resulting from the second part of aforementioned Section 2 is sworn to secrecy and is to be allowed an unobstructed election of a new Sovereign, free of outside influence.



Any further amendments or changes to the Constitution should first receive the approval of the majority of the Royal Council before given Royal Assent.


The Constitution is the supreme law of the Hapes Consortium, and any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.


Notwithstanding the above Section 2, a Royal Proclamation may temporarily suspend the Constitution upon or during a declaration of war or a state of national emergency. Such suspension may only last till the end of the war or national emergency status.

Structure Appendix

Pre-amble Over a period of time, any government will develop certain issues with which it must contend. Failure to properly maintain itself will cause a breakdown in operations. Failure to remain flexible shall do the same. A government must share the authority to operate over a number of individual, striving to maintain an acceptable number of leading personnel while avoiding overextending that authority. This Appendix shall seek to optimise all operations of the Hapes Consortium, investing in certain key ministers the authority necessary to perform their daily functions, while maintaining the overall authority and power of the liege lord or lady.

Section I: Structure Overview

1:st Chapter “Liege Lord or Lady (L3)”

Template:LawChange-Note §1 Title:
King (male head of the Royal Family and/or the Hapes Consortium). Queen (female head of the Royal Family and/or the Hapes Consortium).

§2 Description:
The Liege Lord or Lady is the ruler of all of the Hapes Consortium. In all aspects, they are the leader of the Consortium. They reserve the right to make any orders or changes as they see fit to any portion of the Hapan nation.

§3 Primary Responsibilities: Template:LawChange-Note Hapes Consortium – The Consortium is the primary responsibility of the Liege Lord or Lady. All aspects are under their control, should they see fit to overrule their minister’s/ministers’ decisions. Phoenix Guard – The Phoenix Guard shall be expressly at the command of the Liege Lord or Lady. It shall serve solely to protect the Royal Family, excluding all other purposes to that end.

X Chapter "Lord Regent (LR)"


2:nd Chapter “Prime Minister (PM)”

Template:LawChange-Note §1 Title:
Prime Minister of the Hapes Consortium.

§2 Description:
The Prime Minister is the executive member of the Council of Ministers. He shall ensure that each minister is maintaining their duties and is available on a reasonably consistent basis. Should the Liege Lord or Lady not be present, the Prime Minister may take their place in proceedings.

§3 Primary Responsibilities:
Council of Ministers – The Prime Minister shall oversee all meetings of the Council of Ministers. The PM may declare a topic open or closed (of course, this may be overruled by the Liege Lord or Lady) and must mediate between any arguing parties, keeping a neutral stance except in a tied vote on any matters put forth in the Council of Ministers.
Regency – Should the Liege Lord or Lady be unavailable for a period of one week or longer, the Prime Minister may assume the role of Regent. As Regent, the PM is permitted to make executive decisions, excepting the ability to declare war upon a foreign power – this role is reserved for the Liege Lord or Lady exclusively. However, in this role, the PM may not overrule previously decided topics or go against the demonstrated will of the Liege Lord or Lady. Should any ambiguity or uncertainty arise, the matters shall be laid aside until the return of the Liege Lord or Lady are available for clarification and, if necessary, mediation.

3:rd Chapter “The Council of Ministers (CoM)”

Template:LawChange-Note §1 Generic Title:

§2 Description:
The Council of Ministers serves as the primary forum for government discussion. The CoM shall be used to keep all ministries informed of each other’s major actions (minor actions, such as a newly created civilian warehouse or the relocation of a Y-Wing squadron, do not require being reported to the entire CoM) and to discuss large issues or problems. Should the Council be asked to make a proposal to the Liege Lord or Lady on any matter requiring their approval, a vote shall be taken amongst the six ministers. Should a tied vote result, the Prime Minister shall be allowed to cast the deciding vote.

§3 Primary Responsibilities:
Template:LawChange-Note Ministries – Each minister is responsible for overseeing their ministry. No minister (including the Prime Minister) may make a change or issue an order to a member of another ministry without that minister’s prior consent. Each minister should be given a free hand in developing a structure, manner, and method of accounting for each responsibility given to them. The ministries are as follows in Chapters 4-9 of this Section.

4:th Chapter “Ministry of the Interior (MotI)”

§1 Title of Leader:
Minister of the Interior.

§2 Description:
The Ministry of the Interior functions to maintain the peace and security of all space within the borders of the Hapes Consortium. While it does not function in any military manner, it does maintain such units as are necessary to complete its policing and customs operations.

§3 Combine Privileges: Template:LawChange-Note Arrest, Member List

§4 Primary Responsibilities:
Template:LawChange-Note Planetary Oversight – The MotI shall be responsible for overseeing all planetary governors and their commitments.
Legal Code – The MotI shall be responsible for creating, altering, and otherwise administrating the legal system as it pertains to everyone within the Hapes Consortium. All laws created by the MotI shall pertain to Hapan citizens and to all citizens of foreign nations and/or parties, civilian, military, or otherwise.
Judicial System – The MotI shall be responsible for creating, operating, altering, and otherwise administrating the judicial system for the entire Consortium. All members of the MotI Judiciary shall be responsible for being familiar with both the Civilian Legal Code and the Hapan Code of Military Justice. If the Minister of the Interior so desires, the Minister of Defence may appoint between one and three military officers familiar with the Hapan Code of Military Justice to assist the Judiciary in hearings and trials involving Hapan military personnel.
Customs – The MotI shall be responsible for creating and ensuring the enforcement of a system of customs operations to ensure that no contraband and/or hostile forces are allowed to covertly enter Hapan space.

5:th Chapter “Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA)”

Template:LawChange-Note §1 Title of Leader:
Minister of Foreign Affairs.

§2 Description:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs exists to provide a link to other groups, which wish to have an ongoing dialogue with the Hapes Consortium. It is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs personnel which shall represent Hapan interests at any negotiations, save those that the Liege Lord or Lady choose to take part in personally; in such a case, such personnel shall serve as analysts and advisors.

§3 Combine Privileges:
Post Combine News.

§4 Primary Responsibilities:
Foreign Diplomacy – The MFA shall be responsible for maintaining any and all diplomatic ties with foreign nations and parties. Any lasting obligatory agreements must bear the final approval of the Liege Lord or Lady.
Corporate Relations – The MFA shall be responsible for maintaining relations with incorporated and/or nationalized corporations existing within and/or with the consent of the Hapes Consortium.
Investments – The MFA shall be responsible for investments made by Nationalised Companies, who sends MFA a budget report, which is later forwarded to the Liege Lord or Lady.