{{Foreign-Government |name=Eidola Pirates |image1=Logo Not Available |motto="Savvy?" |image3=[[Image:Map-EidolaTerritory.jpg|Eidola territories marked in pink with the Hapes Cluster highlighted in white |territory=Outer Rim C-9
Wild Space X-9
Hutt Space
Kastolar |population=148 million |capital world=Sevarcos |government=Pirate Anarchy |leader=Teniel Djo |language=Basic
Huttese |currency=Credit |formed from=Eidola
Malebranche |establishment=Unknown |eras=Golden Age }} The group known as the Eidola Pirates was formed several years ago as a small, close-knit group of friends under the leadership of Keir Santage, a famous con man and thief. Along with his comrades, he made a living scamming the traders and merchants of the galaxy, investing the loot in the buildup of several outer rim bases. After his death, his daughter Teniel Djo took over his group and took it in a different direction.

Young Djo and her followers resorted to kidnapping, murdering and blackmailing prominent citizens of the galaxy and also employees of some of the most prestigious corporations. The group remains much the same today and is frequently in the news due to their bold raids and kidnappings. Since the time of Santage the group has built up a large power base in the outer rim territories of the galaxy, challenging the territorial claims of such governments as the Galactic Empire, Rebel Alliance and Kathol Republic.


While little is known about Eidola's societal structure or command hierarchy, Teniel Djo and her lieutenants use the title Quartermaster, describing them as a regional governor of some of their territory. Major territorial capitals include Sevarcos, Nal Hutta, Taris and Roon.

Relations with Hapes

The Eidola Pirates have had limited contact with the Hapes Consortium apart from the occasional theft from traders and merchants affiliated with the Consortium. The Eidola Pirates public domain on the HoloNet marks the Consortium as a so-called "safe government" which sovereignty and borders the pirates respect.