Template:Branch-Ministry The Office of the Prime Minister was established with the reopening of Lorell Hall in 4026 during the reign of King Andrew. It consists of the Prime Minister and his personal staff which works with all the major departments of Lorell Hall in administrating large scale projects around the Hapes Consortium. The Prime Minister or a senior member of his staff is usually tasked with administrating the Civil Service and training new candidates.


Prior to the re-opening of Lorell Hall in 4026, the Hapes Consortium was administrated by the King and his inner circle in much the same way as it was during the Age of Queen-Mothers. King Andrew's frail health and the absence of Crown Prince James called for the appointment of a government administrator.

And so Lorell Hall was reopened and the Hapan government was reorganised in to its present form. The role of the Office of the Prime Minister has expanded considerably over the years since with the creation of the Royal Council, the now defunct Grand Council and also the Civil Service.

The Office of the Prime Minister administrated such projects as the Lorell Project, Terephon Project, Schoibato Project and also the starting phase of the Gormoth Project.


The Prime Minister administrates the Royal Council (Council of Ministers) on behalf of the Sovereign. It is the highest legislative and executive branch of the Hapes Consortium's government.

The Curia (Council of Archons) also falls under the jurisdiction of the Office of the Prime Minister following the transfer of authority from the now reformed Ministry of the Interior (Justice).

The Civil Service exists for the benefit of all the major government departments in terms of aide and workforce, but it is administrated by the Office of the Prime Minister. New civil servants are trained in the ways of the Hapan government by the Prime Minister's staff. Often a staff employee holding one of the four Spec ranks are tasked with the day-to-day administration of the Civil Service.

Ministry Ranks

Template:Branch-Ministry-Ranks In addition to the four Spec ranks specific to the Office of the Prime Minister, the rank Deputy Prime Minister also exists, but is rarely appointed. It was used in the final months of Lord Jaak's term as Prime Minister when Gane Lant was appointed to the position.

See Also
