Astrographical Information
Region {{{region}}}
System {{{system}}}
Coordinates {{{coordinates}}}
Suns {{{suns}}}
Satellite Of {{{satellite of}}}
Rotation Period {{{rotation period}}}
Orbital Period {{{orbital period}}}

Physical Information

Size {{{size}}}
Class {{{class}}}
Atmosphere {{{atmosphere}}}
Climate {{{climate}}}
Primary Terrain {{{primary terrain}}}
Societal Information
Regional Governor {{{regional governor}}}
Noble Houses {{{noble houses}}}
Population {{{population}}}
Civilisation Level {{{civilisation level}}}
Native Species {{{native species}}}
Immigrated Species {{{immigrated species}}}
Official Language {{{official language}}}
Commerce & Industry {{{c&i}}}
Local Currency {{{local currency}}}
Tax Level {{{tax level}}}
Planet Income {{{planet income}}}
Tax Income {{{tax income}}}
Major Cities {{{major cities}}}
Points of Interest {{{poi}}}
Historical Information
Discovered {{{discovered}}}
Colonised {{{colonised}}}
Significant Events {{{events}}}