The term Tini'duranist was coined at the end of the Second Expansion Era and beginning of the Second Antiquity Era. It stems from the values and teachings of Queen-Mother Tini'duran III who ruled the Hapes Consortium from 700 to 769 during the Antiquity Era. She was the very person that made the Antiquity Era what it was, implementing a number of societal and structural changes within the Hapes Consortium that changed it forever.

Individuals who consider themselves Tini'duranist are often conservatives and also members of the Hapan nobility. The Tini'duranists have also been known to go hand in hand with the Draconian ideals.

Tini'duranists are supporters of the monarchy and also nobility, favouring the feudal societal system that the Hapes Consortium maintained from 702 until ca 4000 over the more centralised governing system that exists today. They are believe in the unity of the Hapes Consortium and making all aspects of Hapan culture available to the entire population.