Template:Planetary-System The Dreema system is part of the Rim Worlds region and is located on the outskirts of the Irrea Mist, close to the Orelon Belt and Cloak of Alsace. It was discovered during the Second Expansion Era but not colonised until the Third Expansion Era due to the system's distant location. Symbolically it became part of the Grand Tarii of Alsnin in 3215, coming under governance of House Shaa. During the Hapan civil war the system was initially aligned with the Draconian Union before becoming part of the break-away Victoria Alliance for a brief period. The Draconians reclaimed governance of the system again in 3972 and held the system until the secession of hostilities in 3999.

Following the reunification of the Hapes Consortium in 4000, the system and its limited population largely stayed out of the larger government affairs and remained an unimportant part of the Rim Worlds region until coming under House Tyrridon's governance in 4033


Age of Queen-Mothers

The system was discovered in the Second Expansion Era of the Age of Queen-Mothers but was deemed unimportant by Queen-Mother Arwinian V due to the system's location. The particular region of the Hapes Cluster that Dreema is located in was plagued by pirate activity at the time and frequent ionic storms from the Irrea Mist made navigation hazardous and complicated.

While it symbolically came under governance of House Shaa as they formed the Grand Tarii of Alsnin in 3215, all ideas of colonisation were dropped until 3241. The Olanji Mining Guild sought permission to establish outposts in order to prospect the planets of the system. With the approval of Queen-Mother Vali'dara I and House Shaa some of the breathable worlds of the system were colonised with minimal population. Due to some of the planets' harsh weather conditions, being assigned to Dreema was something most miners feared.

The Olanji Mining Guild maintained limited operations in the system throughout the Third Expansion Era and Decline Era but never seriously considered plans for expansions within the system. House Shaa never expressed any major interest in the system during their symbolic governance of it, preferring the comfortable life on Alsnin instead.

Dark Age

During the Dark Age and Hapan civil war, House Shaa pledged itself to the Draconian Union and the system became part of Princess Da'tan's dominion. Some mining operations were expanded in order to maintain a steady flow of materials for the ship production facilities in the Alsace and Charu systems.

When the Victory Alliance broke away from the Draconian Union in 3965, they seized the Alsace, Dreema and Tirsa systems, driving House Shaa in to exile on Lorell and Arxian Major. House Vali'dara and House Tyrridon, who were the drive-force behind the Victory Alliance, established some estates and cities within the Dreema system. Between 3970 and 3972, House Shaa engaged the Victory Alliance with the assistance of numerous other Draconian noble houses before finally defeating them in the second battle of Dreema. All the estates and belongings of former Victory Alliance nobles within the Dreema system was seized by House Shaa.

Dreema was assigned Overseers from several major Draconian noble houses who were dividing the conquests of their campaigns against the Victory Alliance among themselves. The instatement of permanent governance by the Tarii noble family House Venaq occurred in 3975.

House Venaq fell in 3996 and Overseers were once again instated to govern the system on behalf of the central Draconian leadership on Lorell. No further nobility were given governance of the system before the peace treaties were signed in 3999.

Phoenix Age & Golden Age

During both the Phoenix Age and Golden Age, the system retained its status as an insignificant corner of the Hapes Cluster until House Tyrridon sought to reclaim their former possessions in the system in 4033. Since then plans have been presented to the Chamber of Lords regarding expansion of the system's economic centres in order to make the system a contributing part of the Hapes Consortium.

See Also