Template:UnderConstruction Template:Starfighter-Current The R-41 Starchaser is a foreign fighter craft that is produced by Intergalactic Military Machines and has been employed as a starfighter and bomber by many of the galaxy's smaller governments, security companies and private militias. The Royal Hapan Navy first started using the fighter in 4006 during the reign of King Andrew, replacing the aging Druui Assault Bomber design. It was used for about fifteen years until it was replaced partially by the Y-Wing and later Hetrinar Assault Bombers. The Hapes Consortium still owns a number of R-41 Starchasers, but they are mostly used as a training craft.



Following the success of the Z-95 Headhunter design in the Royal Hapan Navy in 4005, secret import of the R-41 Starchaser began in late 4006. The Druui Assault Bomber was gradually replaced by the Starchaser which was faster and better armed. Some foreign pirate forces had also adopted the R-41 which had proved superior to the aging Druuis when facing each other in skirmishes.

The R-41 Starchaser became the mainstay bomber craft of the Royal Hapan Navy until approximately 4020 when Jessy James, the naval commander of the time, called for the purchase of foreign Y-Wing fighter. Gradually the R-41 was replaced and was reduced to being a training craft for the Royal Hapan Navy, target practice or escort fighter in the local security corporations on some Hapan worlds.

Ship Stats

Design & Hull

The Druui was a proto-Hetrinar craft and the designs of these two fighters do not really resemble each other, but employ virtually the same components. The guns of the ship are located on the front, close to the cockpit. The hull of Druuis were famous for being stronger than all the other fighters and most of the freighters, giving them the nickname “Flying Fortresses”.


The ship’s armament consists of two heavy cannons and two proton torpedoes located under the wing. For ground attack models the torpedoes were replaced with tactical missiles. Since the purpose of the craft was to assault the enemy, the heavy cannons were limited to a minimal role, only used when attacking fighters or freighters.


The Druuis were by default not equipped with shield generators in the initial years, though many were later modified. This was to save space on the bombers and make them faster. At the end of the war more than half of the Druuis in action did not have full shielding because of that.


Due to all the heavy components, the Druii Assault Bomber was not equipped with a hyperdrive. They had a sublight engine with a maximum of 38 MGLT speed. Some modified fighters were often upgraded with hyperdrive or additional sublight speed.

Famous Druui Assault Bombers

Phoenix Squadron

The Phoenix Squadron was a squadron of Druuis captured by the Phoenix Movement during a raid on a Zion Tech factory complex. Pilots were quickly trained for these ships and the squadron became a part of the Guard of Andrew Starfyre Sr. The squadron helped destroy the Tractia Heavy Cruiser Fist of Ci'hani in the eighth battle of the Keltros Expanse which tilted the balance of power in the region significantly.

Blood Raven

The modified Druui of the “Baroness of Blood”, Vali Trini'qar, this craft had an installed hyperdrive along with two additional sublight engines, which boosted the speed to 60 MGLT, even higher according to some observers. The Blood Raven was the only Druui to take an Interceptor role, since it could easily outgun any fighter on the enemy forces. Daring with her fighter, Trini’qar was responsible for the destruction of countless enemy ships and also the capture of the Phoenix Movement’s hero Damar Cantii.

See Also

Preceded by:
Druui Assault Bomber
Hapes Consortium Mainstay Bomber
Succeeded by:<br./>Y-Wing