Template:UnderConstruction Template:Nobility-Box-Male-Gov Andrew Starfyre (Lord Starfyre of Charu) (Andrew Tarix Starfyre Charuah) is the son of the late King Andrew and his mistress Melina Florda. Following a successful career within the Royal Hapan Navy, Starfyre entered the political arena, serving within the Ministry of External Affairs. He took the Hapes Consortium's foreign relations in a more conservative direction during such historical events as the Dellalt Conflict before his eventual resignation in 4032.

Today he is retired and has not appeared in public media, nor has he had any official dealings with the Hapan government since 4032. It is rumoured that he lives on Lorell.

Early Life

Not much is known about Starfyre's childhood and early life except that he was born on Charubah as the only (known) child of King Andrew and his mistress, Melina Florda. His parents had both been in the Phoenix Movement during the Hapan civil war and his mother was the younger sister of Derrik Florda, a childhood friend of his father.

His parents never married and the existence of a Starfyre heir was not known to the public until after King James had come to power. Starfyre did not seem particularly concerned with not being Prince or King and enlisted in the Royal Hapan Navy.

Military Service

As a low level officer, Starfyre started out in the Royal Hapan Navy's fleet within the Charu system, maintaining a relatively low profile. As he rose through the ranks over the years, his name and family ties caught the eye of numerous high ranking Hapes Consortium officials. As King Andrew had died in 4027, most were under the impression that the Starfyre bloodline had died out.

Starfyre received the title Lord, though some believed he should have been Prince, and received governance of the Charu system. Still he continued his career within the Royal Hapan Navy, eventually receiving command of the 17th Hapan Fleet. During the Black Sun Crisis in 4029, Starfyre and his fleet was responsible for the patrol of the Lorell system while the 1st Hapan Fleet blockaded and bombarded Lorell. They were tasked with monitoring a Victory Star Destroyer from the Dark Empire during Operation Dark Shroud.

In the late 4029, Starfyre became Naval Executive Officer under Gane Lant and Lord Alexander Tylger who had joint command of the Royal Hapan Navy. He was also promoted to Contra Admiral and later received command of the Royal Hapan Navy in 4030 following the resignation of both Lord Alexander Tylger and Gane Lant.

Government Service

Starfyre retired from the Royal Hapan Navy in 4031 and joined the Ministry of External Affairs.