Template:Nobility-Box-Male-Gov Alexander Tylger (Lord Tylger III of Arxian) (Alexander Tarix Tylger Arxianah) is a controversial Hapan nobleman, politician, businessman and retired military officer. Presently he is the Minister of Culture and also Archon of the Rim Worlds region. His political views are based on traditional ideals and policies from the Age of Queen-Mothers and is an avid promoter of Draconian and Tini'duranist values. He is the voice of the conservatives groups of the Hapes Consortium in Lorell Hall due to House Tylger's status in the dissolved Draconian Union of the Hapan civil war.

Within the Hapes Consortium he is most famous for his brief term as Prime Minister and Regent during the end of King Andrew's reign and start of the Golden Age, as well as his command of the 1st Hapan Fleet during the Black Sun Crisis.

He has been the leader of House Tylger since 4025 when he was made Lord by King Andrew and governs his family's homeworlds in the Arxian system. The family has extensive military, economic and industrial power, maintaining a private security force and also numerous corporations based both within and outside the Hapes Cluster.

Early Years

Childhood & Heritage

Alexander Tylger was born in 3990 and was the firstborn of the four (rumoured to have been 5) children of Lord Laz Tylger of Arxian and consort Lady Xalil Tylger (neé Zaarin). He had a luxurious and pampered childhood on Arxian Major, enjoying the benefits of being born in to the extended family of Princess Lana Da’tanah, the leader of the Draconian Union. Unaffected and unaware of the horrors of the Hapan civil war the Tylger children were part of the Draconian Royal Court and had the privilege of being potential heirs to the throne along with the children of House Ci'hani.

Due to Lord Laz Tylger's affection for the local religious movements of the Arxian system, Alexander and his siblings were all baptised in accordance with the Arxian-Dweian Orthodox movement and partially educated during their early years by the prophetesses of the religion, Dweia and Wendia. Much time was spent travelling across the Rim Worlds and Rifle Worlds regions, visiting worlds of importance within Princess Da’tanah's government. Lorell, the Tylger family’s home before the elevation to Tarii, was one of the places frequented along with Selab, the cultural capital of the Hapes Cluster.

In 3995 Lady Xalil Tylger was shot and killed while giving a speech to a crowd in the capital of Arxian Major. Her parents and siblings were outraged and arranged the kidnapping of all the Tylger children as they were attempting to flee the Hapes Cluster. The Zaarins succeeded in capturing Jennifer and Kaninen Tylger, but ultimately failed with Alexander and Cordelia. The Zaarin family disappeared from the Hapes Cluster via a dangerous and uncharted conduit through the Transitory Mists and moved back to Alderaan where the Zaarins had lived before moving to the Hapes Cluster.

Princess Da’tanah, as the cousin of Lord Laz Tylger, became the guardian of the two remaining Tylger children and later arranged for a partial adoption of the two in accordance with ancient Hapan traditions as she had no children of her own. The Princess, viewed by many across the Hapes Cluster as a tyrannical and dangerous despot, cared for the Tylger siblings over the next few years and the two came to think of her as their mother. The upbringing by the Princess, along with tutoring by Dweia and Wendia on topics of philosophy and religion and in part his father on economic and political topics, had a major impact on his life and later choices.

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Family portrait, ca 3997. Ynsin Ci'hani (left), Zalin Ci'hani (sitting), Cordelia Tylger (baby), Alexander Tylger (standing), Laz Tylger (sitting), Tami Ci'hani (right).

The Princess arranged for Alexander to eventually marry his own second cousin Ynsin Ci'hani as soon as he would come of age. Advisors of the Princess revealed after the end of the civil war that Da'tanah planned to rule the Hapes Consortium herself if the Union won the day and that Ynsin would be Queen-Mother eventually with Alexander as the consort. While Tylger himself has rarely spoken in public about his conversations and discussions with the Draconian Princess, it has become clear that the monarch instilled a undying sense of loyalty in the boy from an early age on.

At the end of the Hapan civil war, Tylger observed first hand the despair and depression of the Royal Draconian Court from 3997 when House Olanji was defeated in the Charu system, on to the signing peace treaty of 3999. Particularly bad was the period surrounding his eighth birthday in 3998 as Princess Da'tanah died in the second battle of Gallinore alongside one of the Olanji twins. A number of nobles committed suicides within the Royal Draconian Palace upon hearing the news of the battle. Tylger himself was left bitter and resentful towards the victors of the conflict, blaming them for the death of Da'tanah.

Teenage Years

House Tylger along with most noble houses of the defunct Draconian Union managed to hold on to much of their power following the re-unification of the Hapes Consortium in 4000, in part thanks to their massive contribution to the Royal Hapan Armed Forces and Hapan industry.

In 4006, Alexander was sent away from Arxian Major to Selab where he attended the Royal University of Selab in the Wilac province. Here he got involved with members of the “Tini’duranist” movement who were supporters of the ancient feudal governance system and era-specific culture that Queen-Mother Tini’duran III had introduced in 702 during the Antiquity Era. King Andrew had slowly begun to remove the authority and influence of local nobility at that point and the Tini’duranist cause was perfect for a child of one of the Consortium’s most important noble families. The Tini’duranists also saw that Alexander was a perfect front-figure for them as Da'tanah's former crown-prince.

As a spoiled and rich eligible bachelor and noble, Alexander was a popular figure among the young ladies of the Hapes Consortium. He was involved in frequent scandals and occasionally affairs with married women. Relationships with handmaidens and servants at the Royal Draconian Palace irritated his father endlessly and several of Alexander's flings were sent away from Arxian Major and sometimes even deported from the Hapes Cluster. Lord Laz Tylger started keeping his son on a short leash, taking him away on secret diplomatic trips to the outside galaxy as ordered by King Andrew.

Eventually he graduated from the university in 4011 with degrees in cultural understanding, history, politics and law; The makings of a true traditional Hapan noble. During his time at the university he wrote a series of books called The Power of Culture & The Culture of Power describing in detail what life had been like at the Royal Courts of many previous Hapan dynasties, including the Draconian Royal Court, though maintained a neutral point of view, resisting the temptation to go in to detail about Princess Da'tanah as a private person and motherfigure.

The same year his father arranged for him to marry Jasmin Darkblade, a rich young woman whose family had major investments in Arxian Major's economic projects. Reluctantly Alexander agreed to the marriage and they had Ayanna Tylger together. When his wife was killed in 4012 by political opponents of House Tylger, Alexander decided to get away from court politics and signed up for the Royal Hapan Navy.

Early Military Service

Royal Hapan Navy pt. I

In 4013 Tylger graduated from the naval academy of Hapes Prime with special diplomas within the fields of space command and naval tactics, receiving an assignment within the Royal Hapan Navy. As a privileged member of the nobility, he received the starting rank of Lieutenant and was a tactical officer in the starboard crewpit on the bridge of the Nova Battle Cruiser HRS Gallinore Star attached to the 1st Hapan Fleet.

Due to his degrees from the University of Selab, Tylger also functioned as his fleet's judicial officer. In 4016 he was called upon by his father to represent the former Grand Marshal of the Draconian Fighter Corps, Vali Trini'qar, in an elaborate case where she was accused of having committed war crimes during the Hapan civil war. Tylger lost the case and Trini'qar was sentenced to death by space. By appeal the sentence was changed to life imprisonment. The outcome of the trial left Tylger somewhat bitter and abandoned his work in the Royal Hapan Armed Forces' judicial branch.

He worked his way up through the ranks, eventually becoming the executive officer of the Nova Battle Cruiser. Following a series of pirate skirmishes in the Cloak of Alsace in 4018, he was promoted to Commander, becoming the commanding officer of the ship. The Nova Squadron was assigned to permanent patrol of the western quadrant of the Hapes Cluster, patrolling all space between the Lorellon Conduit to the Cloak of Alsace.

Eventually he became executive officer of the 1st Hapan Fleet under Grand Admiral James, receiving a promotion to Captain. He earned the Grand Admiral's respect and friendship as the fleet frequently engaged privateers and pirate forces near the Lorell system. In the late 4020 the HRS Gallinore Star was involved in a skirmish with a Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser controlled by a foreign pirate force. The Nova Battle Cruiser was disabled and boarded by the pirates and Tylger lost half of his right hand in close combat with the invading forces. The 1st Hapan Fleet saved the day in the end, driving away the pirates and medics provided the noble with his characteristic artificial right arm. Bravery on the battlefield earned Tylger a promotion to Commodore.

Imperial Navy

As a member of the admiralty, Tylger was informed by King Andrew and Grand Admiral James of the Hapes Consortium's impending plans to partially open the borders of the Hapes Cluster as early as in 4021. The leadership of the Consortium felt it was wise for the Royal Hapan Armed Forces to have more detailed knowledge of the tactics and methods of both the Galactic Empire and Rebel Alliance which were major foreign powers at war, potentially posing a threat to the Consortium's security.

Tylger departed the Hapes Cluster and enlisted in the Imperial Navy, posing as an Alderaanian with experience from the private security sector, claiming to have previously commanded CR-90 corvettes for Alderaanian noble houses. Upon graduation from the Imperial naval academy, he was assigned to the 8th Imperial Fleet stationed at Kuat and was given command of a Lancer Frigate within the 81st Support Company.

Here he studied the naval tactics of both the Imperial Navy and its somewhat more disorganised Rebel opponents firsthand as the 81st Support Company frequently escorted more powerful Imperial cruisers in to contested areas of space. While serving the Imperial Navy he also found his younger brother Kaninen who was serving as the commanding officer of the 9th Imperial Fleet, but the younger sibling had little interest in re-establishing ties with his father's side of the family or any of his siblings.

After being promoted to Ensign, Tylger had finished his year-long study of the Galactic Empire and set out to return to the Hapes Cluster.


Returning to the Hapes Cluster proved initially difficult due to the reputation of the Royal Hapan Navy's relentless guarding of the Hapan borders. No ships dared venture anywhere near the Lorell system which was the only way in to the Cluster, putting Tylger in a difficult situation as his funds were limited even after a year of service in what was supposedly the most prestigious navy of the galaxy.

Instead of the conventional approach of trying to book a private freighter or passage with a transport liner he finally sought out more shady groups such as smugglers which only would go close enough to jettison him in an escape pod towards Hapan space. Finally he met Friar Blues, a former bounty hunter and shady pirate-like individual who had gone in to the mining business with his crew, forming Juganoth Mining Incorporated.

Blues agreed to take Tylger to Lorell in exchange for four months of service on board the pirate's flagship, a modified YV-666, which the Hapan reluctantly accepted. He worked onboard Blues' ship for a little over three months before being transported to the Lorell system where Tylger had to do a lot of sweet-talking to get past the Hapan patrols.

Once on the surface, Blues' was given a tour of the planet and a meeting was arranged with the diplomatic staff of King Andrew who then set up the first foreign business relation by hiring Juganoth Mining Incorporated for jobs on Lorell. Many of Blues' employees, particularly those of the company's security force, found themselves new jobs within the Royal Hapan Armed Forces.

Royal Hapan Navy pt. II

Tylger rejoined the Royal Hapan Armed Forces in the summer of 4022, briefly heading Royal Hapan Medical Operations, a shared army and navy command, as he was adapting to life in the Hapes Cluster once again. Upon returning to the Royal Hapan Navy, he was given command of the 3rd Hapan Fleet and assigned the Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser HRS Thunderflare. The fleet was stationed in the Lorell system, working alongside the nationalized Juganoth Mining Incorporated which was setting up base on Lorell.

In 4023 he was promoted to Rear Admiral and was given the task of setting up a new set of defences within the Lorell system which could withstand an attack by the Galactic Empire or Rebel Alliance. A series of defencive space stations as well as upgraded planetary batteries were established in order to prepare for the opening of the Hapan borders.

Early Government Service

Governor of Lorell

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Anti-Tylger poster from 4024. The text reads "Alexander Duch'da Tylger Arxianah - Chume'da n Da'tanah" (Count Alexander Tylger from Arxian - Crown Prince of Da'tanah)

In 4024 King Andrew appointed Tylger as Military Governor of the Lorell system as the borders of the Hapes Cluster were partially opened. Foreign corporations were allowed to set up shop and foreign powers established embassies on Lorell. As Military Governor, Tylger retained command of the 3rd Hapan Fleet and was also in charge of working as an ambassador to all foreign parties settling on Lorell.

The choice was controversial to many Hapans due to Lorell's former role as the capital of the Draconian Union and Tylger's status as Princess Da'tanah's adopted heir. Protests were arranged and anti-Tylger posters and leaflets depicting the Hapan logo in flames along with burning ruins from the Hapan civil war underneath the banner of the Draconian Union. However the King chose to ignore the public outcry, pointing to Lord Laz Tylger's role in the re-unification of the Hapes Consortium.

Using his powers as Governor, he also arranged for the pardon of Vali Trini'qar, a former Draconian fighter ace, who was serving a life sentence on the moon of Teron for alleged war crimes. Many people in the Interior region and Capital were outraged by this, but no official protest or reversal of the action ever came from the Royal Hapan Palace.

Lord of Arxian

Apparently pleased with his son's move in to the political realm, Laz Tylger approached King Andrew in 4025, seeking his permission to pass on title and authority to his son. The King agreed and Laz Tylger promptly stepped down as Lord of House Tylger, passing the title on to Alexander. If anything, it fueled the fire relating to the Governor position controversy, but it was a major political victory for the conservative parties within the Hapes Consortium.

Prime Minister & Regency

King Andrew's decaying health and the absence of Crown-Prince James was starting to leave a profound chaotic impact on the Hapan government in 4026. Tylger ventured to Hapes Prime where he met with the King and convinced him the re-instate Lorell Hall, though with a slightly different organisational structure. The titles Prime Minister and Minister were established and the old Lorell Hall reopened with Tylger becoming the first Prime Minister of the Hapes Consortium.

He established a small cabinet consisting of Grand General Harr as Minister of Defence, Chief Ambassador Molokh as Minister of External Affairs and eventually also Alex Smith as Minister of Finance. The first government faced enormous opposition, especially directed at Tylger and Harr due to their status within the conservative community of the Hapes Consortium.

Tylger became Regent in 4027 as King Andrew became too ill to rule the Hapes Consortium and Crown-Prince James was isolated, studying for his upcoming rule as King. Tylger ruled the Consortium in a transition period between the two monarchs, instating a number of changes which he felt would strengthen the government.

Upon Jessy James return to Hapes Prime in the late summer of 4027, Tylger stepped down as Regent but retained the position of Prime Minister for some duration in the Golden Age. Eventually the cabinet's policies conflicted with that of the new monarch, creating a crisis in the Hapan government which led to Tylger's resignation and self-imposed exile. He ventured out of the Hapes Cluster, abandoning his life, family and title while his supporters, led by Grand General Harr, initiated a revolt against King James on Hapes Prime which failed shortly after it began.

Life in Exile

While in exile, Tylger settled in Falleen Federation space where he located his younger sister Jennifer who was serving in the local armed forces. Having met Tholin, the leader of the Falleen, on numerous occasions during his term as Prime Minister of the Hapes Consortium, Tylger was able to buy a small estate on Falleen Prime. He was granted the title Lord Baron and took over the remnants of HapSec, renaming the security company to Loronar Security.

While based in the Falleen Federation he later sold the company to Haden Rodery in order to fund his new life outside of the Hapes Cluster and also finance the purchase of the Tabder Heavy Hauler Prometheus from the Black Star Corporation. The vessel was used to test experimental engines designed by his younger sister and eventually sabotaged by the Cartellian Hegemony, resulting in its near destruction on its maiden voyage. The disaster killed his sister and sparked a conflict between the Cartellian Hegemony and the Falleen Federation.

Following the death of Tiberius Kassius Gan, leader of the Cartellian Hegemony, Tylger briefly joined the Coruscani banking corporation OmniCorp as a security director. The career was brief as the company dissolved due to accusations of corruption and bribery.

Return to Hapes

Minister of Law

In 4029 Tylger set course for the Hapes Cluster once again and officially rejoined the Hapes Consortium, becoming Minister in the Ministry of Law. His career with this particular government institution was relatively brief as the ongoing situation with Black Sun's presence at Lorell resulting in his rejoining of the Royal Hapan Navy.

Royal Hapan Navy pt. III

Receiving the rank of Commodore, a step down from his previous rank, Tylger was assigned to the 1st Hapan Fleet as the commander of the Nova Battle Cruiser HRS Andrew. The fleet was in charge of blockading the Lorell system and ensuring that no operatives of Black Sun could sneak on to the planet.

Liat Shiel, the commander of the fleet, resigned during the blockade and left the Hapes Cluster, ensuring Tylger's ascension to the position of fleet commander once again. As troops from the Royal Hapan Army were clearing out Black Sun cities on the surface of Lorell, Tylger presented plans for Operation Grandslam to the leadership of the Hapes Consortium. The plan called for the bombardment and decimating of all Black Sun presence of the planet and was eventually approved. The rebuilt and modified TFS Dweium Darkness was used as the flagship of the operation.

The operation proved to be a great success, effectively ending the Black Sun Crisis. For Tylger it was a personal, political and career victory. His lordship was reinstated, he was awarded numerous prestigious medals, was promoted to Rear Admiral and received the position Chief of Naval Operations.

In the late 4029 he was made joint Naval Commander with Gane Lant who functioned as Chief of Staff. As the Ministry of Defence was established under the leadership of Vang Tyrridon, Tylger grew gradually more and more displeased with the Royal Hapan Armed Forces as the ministry countered efforts to redesign the structure of the Royal Hapan Navy. Eventually he retired from the service in late February of 4030.

Minister of Culture

Embracing his passion for the Hapan way of life, not to mention Hapan history, Tylger was instated as Minister of the Ministry of Culture in 4030. He immediately got to work on documenting the extensive history of the Hapes Consortium, arranging Cluster-wide archaeological digs, interviews of elderly individuals and the gathering of books and scrolls in to the Palace of Culture.

As part of his new duties he was also put in charge of public holidays, quality of architecture and design, language and to some degree propaganda and enlightenment. He remains in this position even today, making him one of the longest serving individuals in the same function.

Archon of the Rim Worlds

In 4032 the Sovereign sought to establish a more formal system of governance over the different parts of the Hapes Cluster and re-instated the position Archon which had been more or less defunct since the Dark Age. Tylger sought out the position of Archon of the Rim Worlds in order to ensure he maintained authority in the region of his homeworld. He remains in the position today, being the longest serving Archon.

House Tylger

For more detailed information on the family, see House Tylger.

Immediate & Extended Family

As a traditional Draconian noble family, House Tylger is related to many historical noble houses of the Hapes Consortium. Marriage and adoption was often used to strengthen political alliances and loyalty within the old days of the Consortium, and the family was tied to numerous other Tarii and Duchii families during the Dark Age, among them House Ci'hani and House Pal'durath.

On his mother's side of the family, Tylger is related to the von Ismay family. His mother was married to a high standing member of the von Ismays prior to moving to the Hapes Cluster. Victor von Ismay, Tylger's half brother, was an important figure within the Galactic Empire and his issue have taken over the New Anzat Order after his death.

The Arxian System

House Tylger governs the Arxian system which retains little significance and a low status in todays Hapes Consortium. The twin worlds Arxian Minor and Arxian Major remain the seat of the family's power. The comet Tylger's Comet orbits the Arxian star, a testament to the family's influence on the local population, both historically and today.

Religious Beliefs

While baptised by the Arxian-Dweian Orthodox Movement and raised in accordance with its beliefs, Tylger has downplayed his faith and opinion of the religion in the later years. Whether it is a political move to make him more appeasing to the general public as Hapans have a historical dislike for religion, or if it is a matter of loss of faith remains unknown.

Private Operations

Economic Projects

House Tylger has since 4027 been a major investor and majority shareholder in numerous corporations, some of which have had little or nothing to do with the Hapes Consortium.

The first was HapSec, renamed to Loronar Security and based in the Falleen Federation until it was sold to Haden Rodery. Eventually the Tylger family also purchased Astralwerks Engineering which was later sold to Kuraine who eventually became King of the Falleen Federation.

StormOne Recycling was purchased in the late summer of 4032 by Alexander Tylger. Later the leadership was turned over to Kimberly Tylger and Tyra Tylger before ownership was given to Tara Tylger in the fall of 4033. It became part of Tara's conglomerate, which at the time consisted of The Damned and Centurion Arms. The company was later renamed to Endara Reclaim Industries and retained its status as a Hapan municipal corporation.

Operation Da'tanah

In 4030 House Tylger sponsored and led an expedition to a remote system of the galaxy with a large portion of the family's private armada. There it salvaged a number of ancient wrecks and ships which were brought back to the Lorell system and assembled with the help of the Royal Engineering Corps and Antarian Rangers. The result was the 4000 year old Teta-class Old Republic Battle Cruiser which briefly became part of the family's fleet before being sold to a collector.

Operation Adumar

The family participated in Operation Adumar during the summer of 4032, travelling to the Adumar system at the fringes of civilised space. In competition with many other treasure hunters and rivals, House Tylger searched for a downed Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser on the surface of Adumar and participated in a series of local combat rituals. Eventually the ship was found, still intact but severely damaged, and salvaged along with the contents of its docking bay.



The noble's sometimes aggressive behaviour within the political arena of the Hapes Consortium has earned him the status of a political hawk, especially due to his dominant conservative attitudes. His participation in the events leading up to the murder of Jason Cyrus in 4033 made him the target of much criticism which was for the most time dismissed by the public relations staff of House Tylger. Alleged xenophobia has also made him the subject of much debate both within and out of Lorell Hall.


  • "News of Princess Inaq's suicide on Hapes Prime came in as we were watching a play in the old Royal Hapan Opera House on Lorell. I looked over at her and saw her break out in a wide and satisfied smile at the same time as a single tear rolled down her cheek. It proved to me that family is family and blood is thicker than water, no matter what disputes exist between family members" - On Princess Da'tanah.
  • "To most she was a tyrant, a despot, the representation of the Pal'durath dynasty's corruption... To me she was aunty Lana." - On Princess Da'tanah.
  • "I do not pretend to be a man of the people, but I do try to be a man for the people."

Hapan Service

Nobility of the Hapes Consortium
Arxian System
Preceded by:
Laz Tylger
Lord of Arxian
Succeeded by:<br./>Incumbent
Preceded by:
Laz Tylger
Lord of Arxian
Succeeded by:<br./>Laz Tylger
Hapan Government
Preceded by:
Position Created
Archon of the Rim Worlds
Succeeded by:<br./>Incumbent
Preceded by:
Position Created
Minister of Culture
Succeeded by:<br./>Incumbent
Preceded by:
Position Created
Minister of Law
Succeeded by:<br./>None
Eventually Zell Jaak
Preceded by:
Position Created
Prime Minister of the Hapes Consortium
Succeeded by:<br./>Jax Seer
Preceded by:
Position Created
Military Governor of Lorell
Succeeded by:<br./>None
Later Kosh Naranek
Preceded by:
Position Created
Chief of Naval Operations of the Royal Hapan Navy
Succeeded by:<br./>Andrew Starfyre
Preceded by:
Alex Smith
Commanding Officer of Royal Hapan Navy
Command shared with Gane Lant
Succeeded by:<br./>Gane Lant
Preceded by:
Liat Shiel
Fleet Commander of the 1st Hapan Fleet
Succeeded by:<br./>?
Preceded by:
Position Created
Fleet Commander of the 3rd Hapan Fleet
Succeeded by:<br./>?
Preceded by:
Position Created
Commanding Officer of Medical Operations
Succeeded by:<br./>?