Template:UnderConstruction Template:Branch-RHSC The Royal Hapan Support Corps is an auxiliary branch of the Hapes Consortium which is now part of the Olanji Corporation. It was the third major branch of the Royal Hapan Armed Forces up until 4033 when it became part of the civilian sector, merging with the shipyard company. The branch originally grew out of the Royal Engineering Corps and has always been a valuable and productive part of the Hapes Consortium, responsible for keeping the cog-wheels turning.


The Royal Engineering Corps was an important branch of the Hapes Consortium from 4002 on to 4030 when the Royal Hapan Support Corps was created. The merger was intended to make administration of auxiliary departments of the Royal Hapan Armed Forces easier. Of the branches that also became part of the Support Corps was the Logistics division in charge of transporting personnel, equipment and resources in and around the Hapes Cluster, as well as the centralised Research & Development department. R&D had previously worked very closely with the various Hapan shipyard companies, such as Olanji/Charubah, Zion Tech and Hapan Consortium.

When the shipyards merged in to the Olanji Corporation in 4031, the Royal Hapan Support Corps began working alongside with it in addition to its duties within the Royal Hapan Armed Forces. Engineering skills as well as the R&D department was used to assist with the development of such things as the Atlas Troop Transport Shuttle. The Support Corps also took part in the reconstruction of the Teta-class Old Republic Battle Cruiser with House Tylger and the Antarian Rangers.

In the spring and summer of 4033 the Chief Marshal of the Support Corps, Lord Amethius, transferred to take over leadership of the Olanji Corporation. This left the Support Corps under the administration of Vice Marshal Lake. It soon became clear that a merger of the Olanji Corporation and the Support Corps would be a more effective way of managing resources and production within the Hapes Consortium. The Research & Development department was separated, becoming its own department within Olanji while the Support Corps remained a branch consisting of the following two departments.




Rank Structure



See Also