The Rim Worlds region encompasses about a third of the Hapes Cluster and is devoted primarily to naval and industrial activity. Historically the speaking the region was always the frontier of the Hapes Consortium due to the many star systems hidden within the dense nebulae gases of the area. The Transitory Mists circle the lower part of the region and is especially dense in the so called Cloak of Alsace and Nele'serin Arm. The remnants of the Orthwell system, also known as the Orelon Belt, form a natural barrier in the eastern quadrant of the region. Historically the Irrea Mist was the main obstacle to travel within the region.

The capital of the region is Dreena in the Alsace system. The system has a long history within the Hapes Consortium, starting with its discovery during the First Expansion Era and the Alsace Colonial Wars that followed. During the Hapan civil war, the pivotal second battle of Gallinore took place in the system. The Royal Hapan Navy operates out of Alsnin in the Alsace system.

The Mathonore system is another important system within the region, home to the so-called cultural capital of the Hapes Consortium; Selab. Home to many historical sites and cultural symbols such as the Tree of Wisdom, the planet is considered a gem in the Consortium's crown.

From 1802 to 3189 the Orthwell system was one of the most important systems within the region, home to Relephon and its many moons. The star, Orelon, gave out in 3189, destroying the system and killing all inhabitants. The remnants of the system form the Orelon Belt.