Astrographical Information
Region Capital
System Hapan System
Coordinates 0,16
Suns Hapan
Satellites None
Rotation Period 237 standard hours
Orbital Period 778 standard days

Physical Information

Size 20x20
Class Gas Giant
Atmosphere Breathable (Life Belt)
Climate Temperate
Primary Terrain Ecumenopolis
Societal Information
Regional Governor Prime Minister
Noble Houses -
Population 275,714,937,924
Civilisation Level 67%
Native Species -
Immigrated Species Hapan
Official Language Hapan
Commerce & Industry Commercial Districts
Local Currency Hapan Credit
Tax Level 15%
Planet Income 8,204,566,486
Tax Income 1,230,684,973
Major Cities -
Points of Interest Haradan Palace
Historical Information
Discovered -447 (First Expansion Era)
Colonised 4032 (Golden Age)
Significant Events Haradan Project

The gas giant Haradan is located in the Hapan system and is the largest ecumenopolis in the Hapes Cluster and possibly even the galaxy.