Template:Branch-Gov-Project The Gormoth Project was a massive industrial project in the Abaem system, initiated by Lord Zell Jaak during his final months as Prime Minister of the Hapes Consortium. The intention was to establish a planetary cityscape on Gormoth with the hopes of becoming an even more massive financial bulwark than Terephon. As the project drew on, more departments of both the Hapan government and Royal Hapan Armed Forces were called upon to assist in the project. It is the largest cross-department project to date.


Terephon had long been the largest and most successful planet in the Hapes Cluster in terms of tax income from its residents and local commerce, dwarfing the ecumenopolis planets of the Lorell system. Seeking to imitate and exceed the design and results of Terephon, Lord Zell Jaak started making plans for the development of Gormoth in the early 4033.

The plan was to incorporate an even higher standard of living within the large city-scape while also retaining the beauty of the planet and its nature in order to attract even wealthier residents who would be willing to pay a high price to live on the planet. The goal was also to ensure the virtual non-existence of crime within the city as well by employing extensive law enforcement agencies.


Foundation & Platforms

Existing terrain was prepared, enforced and leveled before the extensive foundations for the cities were laid down on the planet, starting with the northern hemisphere. During Lord Zell Jaak's administration of the project, this was the only part of the planet being developed.

When Lord Gane Lant became Deputy Prime Minister in the summer of 4033 he took over the project and divided the planet in to quadrants and zones. The area surrounding the planet's equator was left untouched for the time being and foundations were laid across all terrains apart from oceans, lakes and major rivers.

As the project itself neared an end, the water areas of the planet were covered with extensive floating and pillared platforms while glaciers were melted and developed.

Zone Development

The planet was divided in to four major zones, each one under the administration of a specific team. Each team was given a number of cargo and raw material haulers, as well as the necessary labour force to carry out the mission.

  • Alpha Team - South-western continent
  • Beta Team - South-eastern continent
  • Gamma Team - North-eastern continent


Auxiliary Assistance

Raw Material Allocation

A major issue for the Gormoth Project was the allocation of raw materials. The entire project required some 22 million tons of raw materials, which were primarily provided by the mines of the Endara Mining Corporation as well as Nikklon Mining Incorporated. The project required a large amount of haulers, not only for the movement of raw materials to the Abaem system, but also for moving materials in to cities where construction was taking place.

A number of depots around the Hapes Cluster were utilized as pick up points for the raw materials earmarked for the Gormoth Project, especially the stations surrounding Vergill in the Hapan system. Raw materials were brought in to the Abaem system by the Royal Hapan Support Corps and other contributing parties from the Royal Hapan Armed Forces. Most of the materials were temporarily stored in the two R&D Stations mark IV located in orbit of Nagel. From there, materials were daily transported by constant convoys of smaller auxiliary craft to the Golan II in orbit of Gormoth and also the Tabder Heavy Hauler TFS Dweium Darkness and Modular Star Hauler TFS Dweium Exancliar which were more or less permanently parked in orbit for the duration of the operation.

Transports and special teams were established to also transport idle and able workers back to orbit where they could be volunteer for work in other city districts of the planet.

Recycling Projects

See Also