Template:UnderConstruction Alexander Tylger (Lord Tylger III of Arxian) (Alexander Tarix Tylger Arxianah) is a controversial Hapan nobleman, politician, businessman and retired military officer. Presently he is the Minister of Culture and also Archon of the Rim Worlds region. His political views are based on traditional ideals and policies from the Age of Queen-Mothers and is an avid promoter of Draconian and Tini'duranist values. He is the voice of the conservatives groups of the Hapes Consortium in Lorell Hall due to House Tylger's status in the dissolved Draconian Union of the Hapan civil war.

Within the Hapes Consortium he is most famous for his brief term as Prime Minister and Regent during the end of King Andrew's reign and start of the Golden Age, as well as his command of the 1st Hapan Fleet during the Black Sun Crisis.

Early Years

Childhood & Heritage

He was the firstborn of the four (rumoured to have been five) children of Lord Laz Tylger and his consort Lady Xalil Tylger and he enjoyed a pampered childhood on the planet Arxian Major in the last decade of the Hapan civil war. He grew up in the Royal Draconian Palace and was cared for by Draconian Handmaidens and his mother for the most part. When his mother was killed as early as in 3995, the Zaarin family (which Xalil had been a part of), took two of his siblings, Jennifer and Kaninen, with them as they fled the Hapes Cluster. With only his sister Cordelia left, he was cared for by his father's cousin, Princess Da'tanah.

The upbringing by the Princess, along with tutoring by Dweia and Wendia on topics of philosophy and religion and in part his father on economic and political topics, had a major impact on his life and later choices. Both he and his sister found a new mother in Da'tanah who ruled as the monarch of the conservative Draconian Union. The Princess adopted Tylger as her heir and named him Chume'da of the Draconian Union, arranging for him to eventually marry his own second cousin Ynsin Ci'hani as soon as he would come of age. Advisors of the Princess revealed after the end of the civil war that Da'tanah planned to rule the Hapes Consortium herself if the Union won the day and that Ynsin would be Queen-Mother eventually with Alexander as the consort. While Tylger himself has rarely spoken in public about his conversations and discussions with the Draconian Princess, it has become clear that the monarch instilled a undying sense of loyalty in the boy from an early age on.

Teenage Years

Early Military Service

Royal Hapan Navy pt. I

Imperial Navy

Privateer & Juganoth Mining Corporation

Royal Hapan Medical Operations

Royal Hapan Navy pt. II

Early Government Service

Governor of Lorell

Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Anti-Tylger poster from 4024. The text reads "Alexander Duch'da Tylger Arxianah - Chume'da n Da'tanah" (Count Alexander Tylger from Arxian - Crown Prince of Da'tanah)

Lord of Arxian

Regent of the Hapes Consortium

Prime Minister of the Hapes Consortium

Life in Exile

Falleen Federation & Cartellian Hegemony

HapSec & Loronar Security

Imperial Core & Dark Empire


Return to Hapes

Minister of Law

Royal Hapan Navy pt. III

Astralwerks Engineering

Minister of Culture

Archon of the Rim Worlds

StormOne Recycling

Present Date

House Tylger

Immediate & Extended Family

The Arxian System

Military Power

Religious Beliefs

Rivalry with other Houses

Significant Private Operations

Operation Da'tanah

Operation Adumar

Operation Pëlin'a

Titles & Awards


Hapan Service

Nobility of the Hapes Consortium
Arxian System
Preceded by:
Lord Laz Tylger
Lord of Arxian
Succeeded by:<br./>Incumbent
Preceded by:
Lord Laz Tylger
Lord of Arxian
Succeeded by:<br./>Laz Tylger
Hapan Government
Preceded by:
Position Created
Archon of the Rim Worlds
Succeeded by:<br./>Incumbent
Preceded by:
Position Created
Minister of Culture
Succeeded by:<br./>Incumbent
Preceded by:
Position Created
Minister of Law
Succeeded by:<br./>None
Eventually Zell Jaak
Preceded by:
Position Created
Prime Minister of the Hapes Consortium
Succeeded by:<br./>Jax Seer
Preceded by:
Position Created
Military Governor of Lorell
Succeeded by:<br./>None
Later Kosh Naranek
Preceded by:
Position Created
Chief of Naval Operations of the Royal Hapan Navy
Succeeded by:<br./>Andrew Starfyre
Preceded by:
Alex Smith
Commanding Officer of Royal Hapan Navy
Command shared with Gane Lant
Succeeded by:<br./>Gane Lant
Preceded by:
Liat Shiel
Fleet Commander of the 1st Hapan Fleet
Succeeded by:<br./>?
Preceded by:
Fleet Commander of the 3rd Hapan Fleet
Succeeded by:<br./>?
Preceded by:
Position Created
Commanding Officer of Medical Operations
Succeeded by:<br./>?