Template:UnderConstruction Template:Branch-RHN The Royal Hapan Navy (RHN) (sometimes also called Royal Navy of the Hapes Consortium or Consortium Navy) is the second oldest and most senior service of the Royal Hapan Armed Forces. It is considered the third most powerful naval force of the galaxy, but is restricted to the Hapes Cluster for the most part and its ships are rarely seen outside the Hapan borders due to traditional isolationism.

It was established in the form of the Royal Hapan Space Fleet during the early days of the Nele'serin dynasty and consisted mostly of former Lorell Raider vessels limited mostly to transporting cargo and passengers between the few colonies that made up the Hapes Consortium at the time. As the Consortium expanded within the Hapes Cluster, the Space Fleet was also expanded as a professional military force guarding the borders of the government. It became the Royal Hapan Navy in 716 during the Tini'duran dynasty but the term was used to describe both the Consortium Navy and Noble Navy. The two naval branches co-operated in providing security for Hapan systems and spacelanes. Since the Hapan civil war and the abolishment of a feudal governing system, the entire Royal Hapan Navy has been reformed and placed under the jurisdiction of the Sovereign.

Since the Hapes Consortium re-established diplomatic relations with foreign governments and parties, the Royal Hapan Navy has been involved in a few foreign operations and has escorted the Sovereign on good-will tours in other sectors of the galaxy.


Template:Portal-HapesAF For a more detailed history on the naval forces prior to the Phoenix Age, see History of the Hapes Consortium's naval forces, Royal Hapan Navy during the Age of Queen-Mothers and Hapes Consortium's naval forces during the Hapan civil war.

King Andrew was quick to re-establish the Royal Hapan Navy after his coronation, placing it under the command of one of the former Phoenix Movement commanders, Jacevel Canler who was the first person to reach the rank of Grand Admiral. The Phoenix Movement had captured and built a number of vessels at the seized Olanji/Charubah yards, but their military force was not large enough to keep the peace in the entire Hapes Cluster even after other parties had surrendered or been conquered. Part of the peace agreement between the Phoenix Movement and the Draconian Union involved the donation of most Draconian ships to the newly unified Royal Hapan Navy as long as no members of the Draconian military were put on trial for warcrimes.

Canler introduced a system which allowed for both commoners and nobility to achieve ranks without bias within the navy. This was not especially popular with the noble houses, but they reluctantly accepted it and realized that the time for petty differences were over. This timeperiod saw the introduction of the Nova Battle Cruiser as the new mainstay of the navy in 4011 and the new monarch opened some diplomatic relations with the outside galaxy in order to bring in other types of ship, such as the Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser. The older Quasar Battle Cruisers were decommissioned shortly thereafter.

Grand Admiral Canler was eventually killed in a skirmish in the Transitory Mists in 4014 which led to the appointment of young Jessy James as the new naval commander. Other notable officers who rose through the ranks during this timeperiod were Sirius Threestars, Juthan Karrde, Sala Mander and Alexander Tylger. Jessy James achieved the rank of Grand Admiral in 4020 and was eventually appointed as King Andrew's heir in 4025.

After King James assumed the throne in the august 4027, the Royal Hapan Navy came under the command of Admiral Sirius Threestars. Threestars was one of King James' oldest advisors and executive officer with an endless loyalty to the Hapan throne and also refused to take part in Grand General Pez Harr's attempted military revolt.

The greatest military campaign after the Hapan civil war was undoubtedly the military operations carried out during the Black Sun Crisis in 4029. Several of the Royal Hapan Navy's task forces initiated a full scale blockade of the Lorell system before bombarding insurgents stationed in illegal cities on Lorell's surface from orbit.

The Royal Hapan Armed Forces flexed its muscles again during Operation Horizon in 4030 when the Hapes Consortium joined the Coalition against Horizon in order to trap and capture the warlord known as Venom Kazvar. When the coalition forces arrived in the Tund system, Kazvar had already fled, abandoning the rest of his fleet.

In June 4031, the remnants of Olanji/Charubah were purchased from Draconian Shareholder Commitee by the Hapan Government and merged with the Royal Family owned Hapan Consortium under the new name Olanji Corporation. The government poured a significant amount of money in to rebuilding new shipyard complexes around Hapes Prime, but also Lorell, Nigel, Olanji and Charubah which has made production of Hapan ships a great deal easier. The Royal Hapan Navy now enjoys a steady supply of warships and starfighters for its fleets.

The same month, ships of the Royal Hapan Navy also ventured to the Dellalt system in the Allied Tion sector where it blockaded the planet Gantari in order to keep the forces of the New Anzat Order at bay. It was a peaceful and orderly operation with no Hapan or Anzati casualties.

In the last few years the military has gone through a series of reforms in order to strengthen co-operation between the Royal Hapan Navy and Royal Hapan Army. In early 4034, the Ministry of Defence was re-established in order to smoothly bridge the gap between the Royal Hapan Armed Forces and Royal Hapan Government.


1st Hapan Fleet


The 1st Hapan Fleet established shortly after the re-unification of the Hapes Consortium in 4000 and was assigned to guard the Lorell system. Since the borders of the Hapes Cluster were partially opened to the outside galaxy in 4024 the fleet has been the vigilant guardian of the Consortium's sole open system and only known entrance to the Hapes Cluster through the treacherous Transitory Mists.

Created and led by the then Commodore Alex Smith, the fleet was initially composed of fighter squadrons and the frigates and carriers necessary to act as staging points for their operations. As the Royal Navy became more fleet oriented, the 1st Fleet was joined by Nova Squadrons, providing it with much more capital support and setting up the structure present in the fleet today.

In 4029, under the command of then Commodore Lord Alexander Tylger and in conjunction with the Royal Hapan Marine Corps, the 1st Hapan Fleet was responsible for driving the Black Sun crime syndicate from Lorell in Black Sun Crisis#Operation Grandslam after diplomatic talks collapsed under the weight of Prince Qel Dar's greed.

3rd Hapan Fleet

17th Hapan Fleet


The Directorate of the Royal Hapan Navy consists of the following positions:

Commander, Royal Hapan Navy

  • Command of the RHN.
  • Oversight of all operational and administrative branches of the RHN.

Senior Director

  • Assumes oversight of the administrative chain of command in the event of a prolonged absence of the Commander, Royal Hapan Navy.
  • Serves as the senior administrative lieutenant of the Commander, Royal Hapan Navy.

Senior Fleet Commander

  • Assumes oversight of the operational chain of command in the event of a prolonged absence of the Commander, Royal Hapan Navy.
  • Serves as the senior operational lieutenant of the Commander, Royal Hapan Navy.

Director, Bureau of Naval Personnel (DBNP)
Director, Bureau of Naval Resources (DBNL)
Director, Bureau of Naval Reconnaissance (DBNR)
Director, Bureau of Naval Justice (DBNJ)

Bureau of Naval Personnel

The Bureau of Naval Personnel is tasked with the recruitment of new personnel for the Royal Hapan Navy and also in charge of the naval academies. Another major responsibility is keeping an overview of the Royal Hapan Navy's structure in order to best assess where newly graduated naval officers should be assigned. All motions for promotion and transfer requests pass through this office.

Bureau of Naval Resources

The Bureau of Naval Resources is responsible for maintaining an overview of assets (including uniforms, sidearms and more) available for the Royal Hapan Navy to use and also distributing them in accordance with needs and demands. It is also responsible for planning for the future needs of the Navy and ordering additional equipment in accordance with future needs. They co-ordinate with the Royal Hapan Support Corps when it comes to repair work and maintenance of Royal Hapan Navy vessels and equipment.

Bureau of Naval Reconnaissance

The Bureau of Naval Reconnaissance is tasked gathering data for the Royal Hapan Navy by doing reconnaissance mission both within and outside the Hapes Cluster. Furthermore it is their job to analyze all gathered data and assist with the development of strategic contingencies. The bureau maintains a high level of co-operation with the Ministry of Intelligence.

Bureau of Naval Justice

The Bureau of Naval Justice is responsible for monitoring and punishing minor infractions in Hapan military protocol and regulations such as:

  • Absences
  • Desertions
  • Petty Theft
  • Comprised information security or compartmentalization
  • Improper conduct towards fellow officers
  • Improper advancements towards the royal concubines

It also assists the Ministry of the Interior with apprehension of indicted suspects within the Royal Hapan Navy and is tasked with providing legal services to naval personnel facing suit or trial by the civilian government.

Rank Structure


Administrative Billets

As there are three levels of operational billets within the Royal Hapan Navy – line officer, squadron commander, and, ultimately, fleet commander – there are also three levels of administrative billets.

The directors of each bureau shall be jointly referred to as the Directorate and comprise the highest level of administrative billet. They are responsible for all “big picture” items within their respective spheres of authority, such as the development and implementation of a comprehensive training program, coordinating with shipyards and the Ministry of Industry for the planning and construction of new naval assets, or directing the reconnaissance program to target specific locations in order to develop a more complete strategic overview of near-cluster space. These types of decisions are the purview of the Directorate and it must be stressed that the directors should strongly avoid micromanaging their bureaus.

The following are the billets available for Directorate members:

  • Director, Bureau of Naval Personnel (DBNP)
  • Director, Bureau of Naval Resources (DBNL)
  • Director, Bureau of Naval Reconnaissance (DBNR)
  • Director, Bureau of Naval Justice (DBNJ)

Fleet-Level Administrative Officers
Fleet-Level Administrative Officers (FLOAs) are officers who have been provided mid-level administrative billets to coordinate the actions of their respective bureau for their entire fleet. They are responsible for overseeing their squadron-level subordinates and for assigning them various tasks. Decisions such as which squadron should receive reconnaissance duties for the current period, which squadron should receive the fleet’s newest wing, and approving transfers between squadrons in the same fleet. FLOAs are expected not only to consult with the directors of their respective bureaus, but to constantly communicate with their fleet commander in order to most ably facilitate the commander’s plans for the fleet. In this case, it must be remembered that the purpose of the administrative bureaucracy is assist the operational command branch of the Royal Hapan Navy, not replace them; subsequently, the FLOAs must remain aware that their role is subordinate to the fleet commander and that their administrative duties within the fleet must facilitate the fleet commander’s objectives, not hinder or oppose them.

The following are the billets available for Directorate members:

  • Fleet Personnel Officer (FPO)
  • Fleet Logistics Officer (FLO)
  • Fleet Reconnaissance Officer (FIO)
  • Fleet Justice Officer (FJO)

Squadron-Level Administrative Officers
Squadron-Level Administrative Officers (SLOAs) are squadron line officers that have been selected by a FLOA to serve in an auxiliary post, generally in anticipation of either promotion or assignment to a higher command or administrative billet. These officers handle squadron level administrative grunt-work, including maintaining personnel records, assigning newly assigned or transferred personnel small arms and equipment, assigning an officer to execute a squadron’s assigned reconnaissance duties, or arresting an officer as directed by the Director of the Bureau of Naval Justice.

The following are the billets available for Directorate members:

  • Squadron Personnel Officer (SPO)
  • Squadron Logistics Officer (SLO)
  • Squadron Reconnaissance Officer (SRO)
  • Squadron Justice Officer (SJO)


Capital Ships

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The mighty Battle Dragon, premier warship of the Hapes Consortium.

The mainstay of the Royal Hapan Navy remains the Battle Dragon and Nova Battle Cruiser along with several foreign designs used as escort ships such as the Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser, Nebulon-B Frigate and Carrack Light Cruiser. Since the creation of the Imperial Union, the Hapes Consortium has tasked the Olanji Corporation with producing Imperial designs, but none have so far been made part of the Royal Hapan Navy's mainstay.


The Miy'til Interceptor remains the most widely utilized starfighter of the Royal Hapan Navy, serving primarily as an escort craft which can deal with freighters and other starfighters. The somewhat newer Hetrinar Assault Bomber is used to attack capital class vessels or even space stations.

Freighters & Transports

The Atlas Troop Transport Shuttle is widely utilized in the Royal Hapan Navy in much the same way as it is in the rest of the Royal Hapan Armed Forces. It is primarily used for movement of officers and crew between ships, stations and planets.

Notable Officers

See the Royal Hapan Armed Forces Hall of Fame.

Defunct Branches

See Also