(14 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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|rank=[[Vice Admiral]]
|rank=[[Vice Admiral]]
|position=Fleet Commander
|position=Fleet Commander
|homeworld=[[?]], [[?]]
|homeworld=[[Cirvorn]], [[Dreema system]]
|mother=L'dae'la Tyrridon
|father=Jani Tyrridon
|birth_date=?, ?
|birth_date=March 7, 3976
|birthplace=?, ?
|birthplace=[[Fort Tyrridon]], [[Cirvorn]], [[Dreema system]]
|additional positions=-
|additional positions=-
|prior service=[[Royal Hapan Army]]<br>[[Ministry of Intelligence]]<br>[[Ministry of Defence]]<br>[[Central Hapan Intelligence|CHI]]
|prior service=[[Royal Hapan Army]]<br>[[Ministry of Intelligence]]<br>[[Ministry of Defence]]<br>[[Central Hapan Intelligence|CHI]]
|awards=[[Letter of Commendation]]<br>[[Medal of Honour]]<br>[[Silver Medal of Command]]<br>[[Gold Medal of Command]]<br>[[Medal of Service]]<br>[[Golden Wings]]
|awards=[[Letter of Commendation]]<br>[[Medal of Honour]]<br>[[Silver Medal of Command]]<br>[[Gold Medal of Command]]<br>[[Medal of Service]]<br>[[Golden Wings]]
'''Vang Jacarus Tyrridon''' (Lord Tyrridon of Dreema) (''Vang Jacarus Tarix Tyrridon Dreemaah'')
'''Vang Jacarus Tyrridon''' (Lord Tyrridon of Dreema) (''Vang Jacarus Tarix Tyrridon Dreemaah'') is a middle-aged Hapan nobleman and military commander.  Currently, he serves as Commander of the 1st Fleet of the [[Royal Hapan Navy]] and as a senior military advisor to the Minister of Defense.  Lord Tyrridon has served as a driving force for military reforms and as one of the principle architects of many of the administrative institutions in the Hapes Consortium today.  A relative conservative favoring traditional values within the greater political sphere of Consortium politics, Lord Tyrridon is a vocal supporter of [[Alex Tylger|Lord Tylger's]] Draconian-influenced arguments, despite their occasionally strained relationship.
Lord Tyrridon is most closely associated with both his leadership in the [[Royal Hapan Navy]] and as the founder of the [[Hapes Consortium|Hapes Consortium's]] intelligence movement.  In recent days, he has also become noted for his revival of the [[Royal Hapan Army]] and the training of its current leadership.  He also remains a close friend and confidant of his Royal Majesty, [[Jessy James|King Jessy James]].
He regained the nobility of his house in [[4029]] for his service in creating the [[Royal Council]] and for his accredited service in the [[Royal Hapan Navy]].  In [[4031]], Houses [[House Tylger|Tylger]], [[House Tyrridon|Tyrridon]], and [[House Starfyre|Starfyre]] join together to form the [[Trinae Noblesse]], a powerful alliance of conservative houses.  After legislation was enacted to ban such an alliance, Lord Tyrridon renounced his nobility and resigned his military posting.  Several months later, he and [[Jessy James|King James]] set aside their differences and in [[4033]], he was once again restored to his noble status.
===Draconian Union===
Born Jacarus Tar'da Tyrridon in [[3976]] to Lord Jani and Lady L'dae'la, Vang Tyrridon was raised during the later years of the Dark Age, following the fall of the Victory Alliance and his house's military power.  He spent most of his early years in private tutelage, receiving specialized education in tactics and strategy, political science, and rudimentary engineering.  In [[3991]], on his fifteenth birthday, he took the name Vang as his personal name in honour of his great-grandfather, Vang Pan'rus Tarix Tyrridon.  A year later, he was accepted into the navy of the [[House Par'wandi]] as a midshipman.  In [[3993]], young Vang was commissioned as an ensign aboard the ship Dar K'lael of the [[4th Draconian Order]].  By the signing of the [[Gallinore Accords]] in [[3999]], he was posted as the ship's tactical officer and ranked a lieutenant.
With the signing of the [[Gallinore Accords]], [[Jani Tyrridon|Lord Jani Tyrridon]] took the defeat as a personal blow to honour and ordered the remaining members of the house into self-imposed exile.  Many within the house balked at the order, arguing that the piece represented an opportunity to restore the house to at least a shadow of its former glory.  Vang and his younger brother, [[Jerak Tyrridon|Jerak Lorin Tyrridon]], both disagreed with the decision, but ultimately accepted their father's orders and joined the family in exile on Corellia.
[[House Tyrridon]], now comprised of the few remaining blood relations and the most loyal of their supporters, took up residence in Coronet on Corellia.  Utilizing the most prolific of their remaining resources - the ships used to make the transit from the cluster - they founded [[Tyrridon Transports, Inc.]] (TTI).  Over the next five years, TTI became a moderately successful bulk transport group, making frequent runs between prominent Imperial worlds.  The business served both as a legitimate transport company and also as a smuggling front.  Lord Jani, still loyal to the Consortium despite his feelings of dishonour, used TTI to smuggle into the cluster specifications for both the BTL Y-Wing Starfighter and the Galactic Empire's Carrack Light-Cruiser, as well as multiple component prototypes from those vessels.
Jerak, still longing for the glory of battle spoken of by his father and elder brother, applied to and was accepted by the Kuati Naval Academy.  This decision greatly displeased his father, but was accepted by Vang.
In [[4005]], the Galactic Empire uncovered the nature of TTI's operations and ordered the company shut down, its employees imprisoned, and the blood members of [[House Tyrridon]] executed.  Vang was in the process of meeting with agents of the Rebel Alliance to arrange a deal to smuggling Imperial technology when he was notified by their agents that his family was dead, including his brother.  With no options left, Vang accepted the Alliance's offer of refuge.
===Rebel Alliance===
===Hapes Consortium===
In [[4027]], Vang Jacarus Tyrridon returned to the [[Hapes Consortium]] at the behest of then [[Alex Smith|Rear Admiral Alex Smith]], having previously served together in the Rebel Alliance.  He was immediately appointed a lieutenant in the [[Royal Hapan Navy]] (RHN) and charged with the creation and command of a new branch of the navy: [[Royal Hapan Naval Intelligence]] (RHNI).  His previous experience in creating and administrating the Rebel Alliance's first intelligence initiative served him well and he was quickly promoted to the rank of full commander.
Six months later, [[Jessy James|King Jessy James]] promoted RHNI to a full military branch.  Commander Tyrridon followed it, becoming the first director of the newly installed service, [[Central Hapan Intelligence]] (CHI).  There, he would continue to serve as its director for some time, through several terms, and a number of absences due to pressing personal matters.
After one such absence, Tyrridon was appointed a commodore in the RHN and granted command of the newly created [[7th Line Fleet]], Hapes first dedicated offensive fleet.  The fleet enjoyed great success during the next several months, producing some of the navy's finest future leaders, including [[Marcus Bayne|Commodore Lord Marcus Bayne]] (Ret.).  Contra Admiral Tyrridon and [[Andrew Starfyre|Lord Starfyre]] began a project during this period to formally organize the government into a cohesive body to lead the Hapes Consortium.  Once completed and accepted by [[Jessy James|King James]], he left the RHN to assume the position of [[Minister of Defense]] on the newly organized [[Royal Council]].
Minister Tyrridon's three months on the council saw many changes in the [[Royal Hapan Armed Forces]] (RHAF), including the initial formations of the [[Royal Hapan Support Corps]] (RHSC) and the decision to appoint a new commander for the [[Royal Hapan Army]] (RHA)'s predecessor, the [[Royal Hapan Marine Corps]] (RHMC).  However, due to a reconsideration of the value of a civilian administrator for the RHAF, Minister Tyrridon stepped down (having been the only person to serve in the now defunct position) and resumed his naval commission as a contra admiral and accepted command of the [[Royal Hapan Navy]].
His first tour as commander of the RHN was largely one of restructuring and realignment of equipment, with which he achieved marginal success before personal matters once more pulled him from the service.  Four months later, he returned to his commission as a commodore (following a reduction due to newly instituted policies) and accepted command of [[1st Fleet]].
Commodore Tyrridon used [[1st Fleet]] as a testing ground for new concepts of command and organization, appointing the first flag staff officers and began formal cluster reconnaissance patrols.  His flag staff - intially composed of then [[Mors Baynos|Commander Mors Baynos]] and then [[Locke Firecam|Lieutenant Locke Firecam]] - quickly gained valuable command experience and enabled the fleet to achieve great success and nearly a perfect activity rating. Following his first tour commanding [[1st Fleet]], Commodore Tyrridon was promoted once more to the rank of contra admiral.
After two tours commanding [[1st Fleet]], Contra Admiral Tyrridon was again given command of the RHN.  He took the opportunity to stretch the policies and administrative concepts that had made [[1st Fleet]] so successful across the entire navy, achieving significant - if not total - success, once again in no small part thanks to the efforts of his flag staff.
In 4031, Lord Tyrridon joined with [[Alex Tylger|Lord Tylger]] and [[Andrew Starfyre|Lord Starfyre]] to form the conversative bloc known at the Trinae Noblesse Alliance.  These actions caused a majority of the Royal Council, along with support from [[Jessy James|King Jessy James]], instituted laws forbidding such an alliance and greatly restricting the priviledges and membership of the noble houses.  In protest of these new laws, both Lord Tyrridon and [[Andrew Starfyre|Lord Starfyre]] renounced their nobility and resigned their posts.
After a lengthy period, Tyrridon and [[Jessy James|King James]] spoke and agreed to set aside their differences.  He returned to civilian adminstrative service, including the early formation of a cluster-wide civilian police force.  Eventually, he was asked to accept a commission in the personnel-strapped [[Royal Hapan Marine Corps]] as a division leader.  Commissioned as a colonel, he commanded the infantry briefly before being given an equally brief command of the RHMC as a whole.  When a new fleet was formed in the RHN, Tyrridon was then tapped to serve as its commanding officer, leaving command of the RHMC to [[Rick Olie|Major Rick Olie]].
When a major restructuring of the RHAF only a month later led to the temporary decommissioning of his fleet, Colonel Tyrridon returned to the newly reconstituted - and expanded - [[Royal Hapan Army]] to serve as the commander of its Marine Corps and granted a promotion to the rank of brigadier.  In addition to commanding its fleet-based offensive forces, Brigadier Tyrridon was charged with creating its new command and administrative structure, a project which lasted several months.  When it was completed, Brigadier Tyrridon accepted command of the entire RHA.
Following several months in command of the [[Royal Hapan Army]], Brigadier Tyrridon once more regained his nobility, being installed once more in private ceremony by his Majesty and promoted to the rank of lieutenant general under the rank system of the time.  Following approval on a new rank structure for the [[Royal Hapan Army]], Lord Tyrridon became a major general, then was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general some nine months later.
In [[4033]], Lord Tyrridon stood down from his command of the RHA and turned over it's command to [[Tovakinpi Toshikhan|Lieutenant Colonel Tovakinpi Toshikhan]].  He was transferred back to the RHN to lead the development of a new administrative system to handle is growing numbers and increasing responsibilities.  In early [[4034]], the new system was presented to newly-instated [[Mors Baynos|Minister Baynos]] and [[Jessy James|King Jessy James]], who accepted it with minor modifications.  Following this, Vice Admiral Lord Vang Jacarus Tyrridon assumed command of [[1st Fleet]], which he continues to command today.
==House Tyrridon==
===Dreema System===
===Alsace System===
===Prominent Retainers===
===Economic Endeavors===

Revision as of 18:10, 15 February 2007

Template:UnderConstruction Template:Nobility-Box-Male-Mil Vang Jacarus Tyrridon (Lord Tyrridon of Dreema) (Vang Jacarus Tarix Tyrridon Dreemaah) is a middle-aged Hapan nobleman and military commander. Currently, he serves as Commander of the 1st Fleet of the Royal Hapan Navy and as a senior military advisor to the Minister of Defense. Lord Tyrridon has served as a driving force for military reforms and as one of the principle architects of many of the administrative institutions in the Hapes Consortium today. A relative conservative favoring traditional values within the greater political sphere of Consortium politics, Lord Tyrridon is a vocal supporter of Lord Tylger's Draconian-influenced arguments, despite their occasionally strained relationship.

Lord Tyrridon is most closely associated with both his leadership in the Royal Hapan Navy and as the founder of the Hapes Consortium's intelligence movement. In recent days, he has also become noted for his revival of the Royal Hapan Army and the training of its current leadership. He also remains a close friend and confidant of his Royal Majesty, King Jessy James.

He regained the nobility of his house in 4029 for his service in creating the Royal Council and for his accredited service in the Royal Hapan Navy. In 4031, Houses Tylger, Tyrridon, and Starfyre join together to form the Trinae Noblesse, a powerful alliance of conservative houses. After legislation was enacted to ban such an alliance, Lord Tyrridon renounced his nobility and resigned his military posting. Several months later, he and King James set aside their differences and in 4033, he was once again restored to his noble status.


Draconian Union

Born Jacarus Tar'da Tyrridon in 3976 to Lord Jani and Lady L'dae'la, Vang Tyrridon was raised during the later years of the Dark Age, following the fall of the Victory Alliance and his house's military power. He spent most of his early years in private tutelage, receiving specialized education in tactics and strategy, political science, and rudimentary engineering. In 3991, on his fifteenth birthday, he took the name Vang as his personal name in honour of his great-grandfather, Vang Pan'rus Tarix Tyrridon. A year later, he was accepted into the navy of the House Par'wandi as a midshipman. In 3993, young Vang was commissioned as an ensign aboard the ship Dar K'lael of the 4th Draconian Order. By the signing of the Gallinore Accords in 3999, he was posted as the ship's tactical officer and ranked a lieutenant.


With the signing of the Gallinore Accords, Lord Jani Tyrridon took the defeat as a personal blow to honour and ordered the remaining members of the house into self-imposed exile. Many within the house balked at the order, arguing that the piece represented an opportunity to restore the house to at least a shadow of its former glory. Vang and his younger brother, Jerak Lorin Tyrridon, both disagreed with the decision, but ultimately accepted their father's orders and joined the family in exile on Corellia.

House Tyrridon, now comprised of the few remaining blood relations and the most loyal of their supporters, took up residence in Coronet on Corellia. Utilizing the most prolific of their remaining resources - the ships used to make the transit from the cluster - they founded Tyrridon Transports, Inc. (TTI). Over the next five years, TTI became a moderately successful bulk transport group, making frequent runs between prominent Imperial worlds. The business served both as a legitimate transport company and also as a smuggling front. Lord Jani, still loyal to the Consortium despite his feelings of dishonour, used TTI to smuggle into the cluster specifications for both the BTL Y-Wing Starfighter and the Galactic Empire's Carrack Light-Cruiser, as well as multiple component prototypes from those vessels.

Jerak, still longing for the glory of battle spoken of by his father and elder brother, applied to and was accepted by the Kuati Naval Academy. This decision greatly displeased his father, but was accepted by Vang.

In 4005, the Galactic Empire uncovered the nature of TTI's operations and ordered the company shut down, its employees imprisoned, and the blood members of House Tyrridon executed. Vang was in the process of meeting with agents of the Rebel Alliance to arrange a deal to smuggling Imperial technology when he was notified by their agents that his family was dead, including his brother. With no options left, Vang accepted the Alliance's offer of refuge.

Rebel Alliance

Hapes Consortium

In 4027, Vang Jacarus Tyrridon returned to the Hapes Consortium at the behest of then Rear Admiral Alex Smith, having previously served together in the Rebel Alliance. He was immediately appointed a lieutenant in the Royal Hapan Navy (RHN) and charged with the creation and command of a new branch of the navy: Royal Hapan Naval Intelligence (RHNI). His previous experience in creating and administrating the Rebel Alliance's first intelligence initiative served him well and he was quickly promoted to the rank of full commander.

Six months later, King Jessy James promoted RHNI to a full military branch. Commander Tyrridon followed it, becoming the first director of the newly installed service, Central Hapan Intelligence (CHI). There, he would continue to serve as its director for some time, through several terms, and a number of absences due to pressing personal matters.

After one such absence, Tyrridon was appointed a commodore in the RHN and granted command of the newly created 7th Line Fleet, Hapes first dedicated offensive fleet. The fleet enjoyed great success during the next several months, producing some of the navy's finest future leaders, including Commodore Lord Marcus Bayne (Ret.). Contra Admiral Tyrridon and Lord Starfyre began a project during this period to formally organize the government into a cohesive body to lead the Hapes Consortium. Once completed and accepted by King James, he left the RHN to assume the position of Minister of Defense on the newly organized Royal Council.

Minister Tyrridon's three months on the council saw many changes in the Royal Hapan Armed Forces (RHAF), including the initial formations of the Royal Hapan Support Corps (RHSC) and the decision to appoint a new commander for the Royal Hapan Army (RHA)'s predecessor, the Royal Hapan Marine Corps (RHMC). However, due to a reconsideration of the value of a civilian administrator for the RHAF, Minister Tyrridon stepped down (having been the only person to serve in the now defunct position) and resumed his naval commission as a contra admiral and accepted command of the Royal Hapan Navy.

His first tour as commander of the RHN was largely one of restructuring and realignment of equipment, with which he achieved marginal success before personal matters once more pulled him from the service. Four months later, he returned to his commission as a commodore (following a reduction due to newly instituted policies) and accepted command of 1st Fleet.

Commodore Tyrridon used 1st Fleet as a testing ground for new concepts of command and organization, appointing the first flag staff officers and began formal cluster reconnaissance patrols. His flag staff - intially composed of then Commander Mors Baynos and then Lieutenant Locke Firecam - quickly gained valuable command experience and enabled the fleet to achieve great success and nearly a perfect activity rating. Following his first tour commanding 1st Fleet, Commodore Tyrridon was promoted once more to the rank of contra admiral.

After two tours commanding 1st Fleet, Contra Admiral Tyrridon was again given command of the RHN. He took the opportunity to stretch the policies and administrative concepts that had made 1st Fleet so successful across the entire navy, achieving significant - if not total - success, once again in no small part thanks to the efforts of his flag staff.

In 4031, Lord Tyrridon joined with Lord Tylger and Lord Starfyre to form the conversative bloc known at the Trinae Noblesse Alliance. These actions caused a majority of the Royal Council, along with support from King Jessy James, instituted laws forbidding such an alliance and greatly restricting the priviledges and membership of the noble houses. In protest of these new laws, both Lord Tyrridon and Lord Starfyre renounced their nobility and resigned their posts.

After a lengthy period, Tyrridon and King James spoke and agreed to set aside their differences. He returned to civilian adminstrative service, including the early formation of a cluster-wide civilian police force. Eventually, he was asked to accept a commission in the personnel-strapped Royal Hapan Marine Corps as a division leader. Commissioned as a colonel, he commanded the infantry briefly before being given an equally brief command of the RHMC as a whole. When a new fleet was formed in the RHN, Tyrridon was then tapped to serve as its commanding officer, leaving command of the RHMC to Major Rick Olie.

When a major restructuring of the RHAF only a month later led to the temporary decommissioning of his fleet, Colonel Tyrridon returned to the newly reconstituted - and expanded - Royal Hapan Army to serve as the commander of its Marine Corps and granted a promotion to the rank of brigadier. In addition to commanding its fleet-based offensive forces, Brigadier Tyrridon was charged with creating its new command and administrative structure, a project which lasted several months. When it was completed, Brigadier Tyrridon accepted command of the entire RHA.

Following several months in command of the Royal Hapan Army, Brigadier Tyrridon once more regained his nobility, being installed once more in private ceremony by his Majesty and promoted to the rank of lieutenant general under the rank system of the time. Following approval on a new rank structure for the Royal Hapan Army, Lord Tyrridon became a major general, then was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general some nine months later.

In 4033, Lord Tyrridon stood down from his command of the RHA and turned over it's command to Lieutenant Colonel Tovakinpi Toshikhan. He was transferred back to the RHN to lead the development of a new administrative system to handle is growing numbers and increasing responsibilities. In early 4034, the new system was presented to newly-instated Minister Baynos and King Jessy James, who accepted it with minor modifications. Following this, Vice Admiral Lord Vang Jacarus Tyrridon assumed command of 1st Fleet, which he continues to command today.

House Tyrridon

Dreema System

Alsace System

Prominent Retainers



Economic Endeavors