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[[Category:Hapan History]]
[[Category:Age of Queen-Mothers]]

Revision as of 14:35, 31 October 2006

Template:Second Antiquity Era The Second Antiquity Era (2010–2874) (sometimes also called the Hapan Renaissance) was the sixth era of the Age of Queen-Mothers noted for the reawakening of Hapan culture after centuries of expansion and colonial activity along the borders of the Hapes Cluster. The Dal'kuran monarchs felt that after the rule of the Rel'amma and Arwinian dynasties, it was important to re-establish a firm connection to central Hapan society on the more outlying worlds.

The Dal'kuran dynasty was voted by the Hapan nobility to take the throne after Queen-Mother Arwinian V passed away. Lini Dal'kuran had served as the Queen-Mother's Regent in the later days of her rule and was seen as a natural and skilled successor who would continue the stable rule that had lasted for six hundred years under the previous two dynasties.

During her time as Regent, she had become involved with the so-called "Tini'duranists" who felt that all elements of Hapan society should be available to all Hapans, whether they lived in the Capital and Interior region or the outlying colonies. After she came to power, she did her best to implement this by issuing cultural reform budgets to the Hapan Nobility which was reserved for the construction of theatres, museums, libraries, architecture and community events in general.

Her firstborn daughter is also noted for the significant event of closing the Hapan borders to the outside galaxy in 2051, which helped bring about the 800 years of peace.

Society & Culture
Most of the Hapan nobility welcomed the cultural re-awakening with much enthusiasm as some worlds under their rule were fairly undeveloped, consisting of small colonies with only the most necessary of buildings. The increased funding and construction also led to more jobs on their planets and immigration to worlds under their rule, which strengthened the noble houses. The development of their worlds also encouraged many members of the elite who had felt discouraged by the previously fairly spartan nature of their dominions and used any excuse to travel more to more populous and civilised locations such as Lorell and Hapes Prime.

Artists such as painters, sculptors, actors, dancers and singers also thrived during this period as their talent was required all across the Hapes Cluster. Ut, home to some of the most talented singers in Hapan space, developed extensively during this era with more and more musical academies being completed. Engineers and architects were also in need as the monarchs wanted buildings in all systems to be up to the same standard as the ones in cities on Hapes Prime. Lorell Hall was completed on the hills of Ta'a Chume'Dan in 2449, functioning as a grand council for the leadership of the Hapes Consortium, relieving some of the excessive traffic to the Hapan Royal Palace.

Queen-Mother Dal'kuran VI became the first Hapan monarch to declare life in the Hapes Cluster as "perfect" and "unequalled" in a public address to the nation in 2217.

Armed Forces
The armed forces had less to do during this era as piracy was mostly wiped out across the Hapes Cluster. After the borders of the Hapes Consortium were closed in 2051, unauthorised traffic beyond the Lorell system was virtually non-existent. Much of the Consortium Navy was based in the system, doing frequent patrols along the hyper-exit points. All minor passages through the Transitory Mist elsewhere in the cluster were mined with spacebombs which took care of most pirates' supply lines.

The Royal Armed Forces were strong but idle during the 800 years of peace. Many historians theorise that the militaristic Hapan society of the time had trouble handling the long, inactive periods. The last Queen-Mother of the Dal'kuran dynasty was murdered by an unknown assassin in 2874 and the road to power had been paved for the aggressive Lady Cazin'turin who had great plans for military expansion outside the Hapes Cluster.

History of the Hapes Consortium

Pre-Founding AgeAge of Queen-MothersDark AgePhoenix AgeGolden Age