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{{succession box | before = [[Alex Smith|Lord Admiral Smith]] | title = [[Commanding Officer]] of [[Royal Hapan Navy]] | years = ?–?  | after = [[Gane Lant|Contra Admiral Lant]]}}
{{succession box | before = [[Alex Smith|Lord Admiral Smith]] | title = [[Commanding Officer]] of [[Royal Hapan Navy]] | years = ?–?  | after = [[Gane Lant|Contra Admiral Lant]]}}
{{succession box | before = None | title = [[Commanding Officer]] of [[Royal Hapan Medical Operations]] | years = ?–?  | after = ?}}
{{succession box | before = None | title = [[Commanding Officer]] of [[Royal Hapan Medical Operations]] | years = ?–?  | after = ?}}
{{Hapan Lords}}

Revision as of 00:19, 29 July 2006

The Lord Alexander Tylger of the Hapes Consortium (Lord Tylger III of Arxian, Minister of the Hapan Culture, Archon of the Rim Worlds) (Lë'rax Alexander Tylger Arxianah i ë Hapës Ënëxilanthiusah) (born September 14 3990) is a controversial Hapan nobleman, politician and businessman. He also has a long military history, both in and out of the Hapes Consortium. His political views are based on traditional ideals and policies from the Age of Queen Mothers and is an avid promoter of Draconian values.

He has been awarded titles by three different Hapan monarchs and is a regular attender in Lorell Hall's Royal Council, Command Council, Curia and Lord Council as a Lord, Minister and Archon. His Archontate territory known as the Rim Worlds make up most of the territory that was controlled by his godmother, Princess Lana Da'tanah of the Draconian Union.

Early Years

Childhood & Heritage

"It is Our will to grant this child of august lineage the profound honour of taking the title Chumë'da of the Draconian Union." - Princess Lana Da'tanah

The notorious Alexander Tylger was the first child of Lord Laz Tylger and Lady Xalil Tylger (Lady Xalil Zaarin-von Ismay Tylger), the rulers of the Arxian system. It was a time where the Hapes Consortium had become two things: a distant memory and the ideal future. Through all stages of the Hapan Civil War, House Tylger was devoted to the Draconian Union’s quest to conquer all of Hapan space and place Princess Lana Da’tanah, the late Queen Mother’s granddaughter, on the Hapan throne.

The boy was born on Arxian Major and welcomed in to the open arms of House Tylger and it's extended family which included the Princess herself and most of the highest nobles within the Draconian Union as marriages between the greatest families were not uncommon at the time. The first years of his life he spent living in the Royal Draconian Palace on Arxian Major together with his parents and eventually his younger siblings, Jennifer, Kaninen and Cordelia. He was baptised in the tradition of the Arxian-Dweian Orthodox movement which had gained significant influence in the Arxian system with the help of Lord Laz Tylger some decades earlier. Princess Da'tanah herself volunteered as godmother for the young boy and was said to be very fond of the boy.

His parents spent much time away from the palace after Alexander turned four as they had a war to lead and were often at the frontline battles, commanding vast armies or fleets against the mighty Sword Confederacy and the so called Phoenix rebellion. The boy and his siblings were raised by the Draconian handmaidens and also the prophets Dwëia and Wëndia of the Arxian-Dweian Orthodox movement. They taught the children about life, nature, philosophy and ideals while also indoctrinating them with the movement's beliefs regarding war, peace, hate and love. Princess Da'tanah, along with Lord Tylger, occasionally took time away from the frontlines to teach Alexander about Hapan politics, history and culture. It became obvious to Laz Tylger that the Princess was grooming his son to become an eventual successor, something that pleased the Lord enormously. The Princess had a large impact on Alexander Tylger's childhood and become a symbol of Hapan perfection to him.

The worlds Arxian Minor and Arxian Major had become torn over disputes involving various directions of the religious movement. Lord Laz Tylger had long kept what he considered to be rebels in check by oppressing them and driving them to distant corners of the planets by using his armies. Thousands were also forced in to labourcamps. During a parade in the capital of Arxian Major, Lady Xalil Tylger was shot by a rebel spectator, something which triggered a chain of events. The Zaarin family was enraged by what had happened and attempted to kidnap all of the Tylger children. Their attempt was only partially successful with Jennifer and Kaninen being taken away and the Zaarins left the Hapes Cluster shortly after. Lord Laz Tylger lashed out by having his wife's murderer publically skinned while alive and hundreds of rebels were executed in the events that followed. Still grieving, the Lord spent more and more time away from home, now totally devoted to the war effort. It was during this time that Princess Da'tanah took on an active role as guardian of young Alexander and to some lesser degree, Cordelia.

Together with the Princess, he visited many of the Hapan Rim Worlds and also some of the Rifle Worlds. He marvelled at the size of the Olanji/Charubah shipyards orbitting the twin worlds of Olanji and Charubah, while also enjoying the nature and beauty of Dreena. Among his favoritte places was the mighty metropolises of Lorell Prime, the Princess' seat of power. Much time was spent onboard the Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser "Lover of War" and the Quasar Cruiser "Da'tanah" which were the flagships of the Draconian Command Fleet.

When he was six, Alexander and his sister, along with their father, joined Princess Da'tanah in a gala performance of the opera "Flight of Dragons" in the Royal Draconian Opera House in Avalon on Lorell. Numerous other family members from other powerful Draconian houses such as Ci'hani, Rix'farin and Zah'naria were also present for the occasion. Before the performance the Princess made an elaborate speech about the impending victory of her forces and also announced that she adopted young Alexander Tylger as her Chumë'da. Lord Laz Tylger was very pleased by this announcement and reportedly hugged his cousin, the Princess, in public in front of the crowd.

During the opera performance, loyalists of the deceased Princess Ta'lan of the defeated Sword Confederacy rapelled in to the booth the Draconian royalty was sitting in and attempted to assassinate Da'tanah and the other occupants. The fiercely loyal Draconian Royal Guards managed to stop the attack, but Count Zah'naria was killed before the guards had been able to act. Princess Da'tanah ordered the guards to spare the last of the assassins and forced young Alexander to slit the man's throat. The event had much impact on Tylger's way of thinking and gave him a warped idea of right and wrong, with the impression that he as a noble had the natural right to choose who lives and who dies.

Months later, Princess Da'tanah led the Draconian Command Fleet during the second battle of Gallinore in an attempt to end the Phoenix rebellion with a final swift stroke. The battle ended with a Phoenix victory and Princess Da'tanah was killed in the process, taking second in command of the Phoenix, Derrik Florda, with her in to the abyss.

The Draconian Union's leaders signed the surrender of their forces the following year and the fighting ended some six months later when the last of the extremists had been killed or taken prisoner. The Hapes Cluster was once again unified as the Hapes Consortium and Andrew Starfyre was crowned as King the year after, marking the end of the Dark Age.

Young Alexander had received enough lectures on Hapan history and politics to understand what was going on. He felt as though he had lost yet another mother and felt that the Phoenix movement had robbed him of all that was to be his. However, little actually changed in his life as his father retained his Lordship and governance over the Arxian system. No longer needed on the front lines, Laz Tylger devoted more and more of his time to his children in the years that followed. The Tylger kids also spent and increased amount of time with Dwëia, becoming deeply enured by her teachings on war and (lack of) ethics surrounding it.

Teenage Years

Early Military Service

Royal Hapan Navy pt. I

Imperial Navy

Privateer & Juganoth Mining Corporation

Royal Hapan Medical Operations

Royal Hapan Navy pt. II

Early Government Service

Governor of Lorell

Lord of Arxian

Regent of the Hapes Consortium

Prime Minister of the Hapes Consortium

Life in Exile

Falleen Federation & Cartellian Hegemony

HapSec & Loronar Security

Imperial Core & Dark Empire


Return to Hapes

Minister of Law

Royal Hapan Navy pt. III

Astralwerks Engineering

Minister of Culture

Archon of the Rim Worlds

StormOne Recycling

Present Date

House Tylger

Immediate & Extended Family

The Arxian System

Military Power

Religious Beliefs

Rivalry with other Houses

Significant Private Operations

Operation Da'tanah

Operation Adumar

Operation Pëlin'a

Operation Pëlin'a began after Tara Tylger murdered a number of inhabitants and servants in her palace on Kiffex and left the planet. Camaris sa Vinitti, the Regent of Black Sun at the time, took over day to day operations of Black Sun. Alexander and several of his closest relatives became concerned about the circumstances of Tara's disappearance and launched a large galaxy-wide search for the Tëtrarch.

Tara was tracked to the smuggler moon Nar Shaddaa orbiting Nal Hutta by Draconian intelligence operatives. The TFS Dwëium Ëxsanguis, TFS Dwëium Vitaine and TFS Dwëium Darkblade were dispatched to the Y'toub system to investigate.

Titles & Awards



Relations with the Sith

Relations with Black Sun

Template:Main article

Relations between Black Sun and the Tylger family supposedly eased after Plojo Rosom replaced Qel Dar as Prince of the trade conglamorate. Tara Tylger was hired as a personal bodyguard of the Prince and Kimberly Tylger ran the Black Sun shipyards TransGalMeg.

Victor von Ismay's former spouse, Xya Howie replaced Rosom as leader of Black Sun in ? and later passed leadership to Tara Tylger in 4033. The same year House Tylger purchased a major resort on Nal Hutta which was controlled by Black Sun at the time. Since the planet came under control of the Eidola Pirates, the resort has been abandoned. Rumours have circulated that Alexander himself was the actual Black Sun Prince during the time which Tara Tylger ran the conglomarate, but this is regarded as baseless nonsense.

Since Black Sun was passed from Princess Daa` to Prince Adam Flynn, Tylger's relations with the trade empire have dwindled.

Relations with New Anzat Order

Relations with The Damned

Unexplained Deaths, Executions, Ordered Hits

Hapan Service

Template:Hapan Lords
Preceded by:
Lord Laz Tylger
Leader (Rë'gin'ta) of the Draconian Union
Succeeded by:<br./>Incumbent
Preceded by:
Crown Prince of the Draconian Union
Succeeded by:<br./>None
Preceded by:
Princess Lana Da'tanah
Governor of Lorell
Succeeded by:<br./>None
Later Kosh Naranek
Preceded by:
Minister of Hapan Law
Succeeded by:<br./>Zell Jaak
Preceded by:
Minister of Hapan Culture
Succeeded by:<br./>Incumbent
Preceded by:
Archon of the Rim Worlds
Succeeded by:<br./>Incumbent
Preceded by:
Lord Laz Tylger
Lord of Arxian
40??–4027 & 4029–Present
Succeeded by:<br./>Incumbent
Preceded by:
Fleet Commander of the 3rd Hapan Fleet
Succeeded by:<br./>?
Preceded by:
Commodore Shiel
Fleet Commander of the 1st Hapan Fleet
Succeeded by:<br./>?
Preceded by:
Chief of Naval Operations of the Royal Hapan Navy
Succeeded by:<br./>Contra Admiral Starfyre
Preceded by:
Lord Admiral Smith
Commanding Officer of Royal Hapan Navy
Succeeded by:<br./>Contra Admiral Lant
Preceded by:
Commanding Officer of Royal Hapan Medical Operations
Succeeded by:<br./>?