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|+ style="text-align:center; font-size:larger;" | '''Princess Lana Da'tanah'''
|+ style="text-align:center; font-size:larger;" | '''Princess Lana Da'tanah'''

Revision as of 09:15, 4 June 2006

Princess Lana Da'tanah
Princess Lana Da'tanah of the Draconian Union
Reign (Draconian Union only)
October 13, 3979September 1, 3998
Coronation October 13, 3979
Predecessor Princess Da'tanah Pal'durath
Successor Lord Laz Tylger
Chosen Heir Lord Alexander Tylger
Spouse None
Issue None
Royal House Pal'durath/Da'tanah
Father Lord Xariq Tylger
Mother Princess Da'tanah Pal'durath
Born October 13, 3963
Avalon, Lorell
Died September 1, 3998
Gallinore, Mathonore
Titles Rë'gin'ta of the Draconian Union
Crown Princess of the Hapes Consortium
Princess of Lorell

The Princess Lana Da'tanah Pal'durath of the Draconian Union (Princess Da'tanah II of Lorell, Crown Princess Da'tanah of the Hapes Consortium) (Pëlin'a Lana Da'tanah Pal'durathah Lorellah i ë Unio Drakënus, Chumë Ta Hapës Ënëxilanthiusah) (born October 13 3963) was the first and only child of Princess Da'tanah Pal'durath and Lord Xariq Tylger of the Draconian Union. Her mother was killed shortly after the birth and so Princess Da'tanah II was cared for by Lady Ci'hani who also functioned as Regent of the Draconian Union until the Princess was old enough to lead. Once she turned sixteen years old, the Princess assumed command of the union and created a legacy of her own, going down in Hapan history as one of the most brutal and extreme leaders of the Hapan Civil War.

Born several decades in to the Hapan Civil War, the Princess knew no other life than war and was groomed to be the successor of her mother. As she grew up, she maintained close ties with all the leading noble houses of the Draconian Union, especially House Ci'hani and House Tylger which were her closest relatives still loyal to the Draconian banner. She promoted cooperation, loyalty and respect between the noble houses and was known as a matchmaker, doing her best to make sure that members of the most important noble houses married each other. Apparently the Princess believed in the idea of blood being thicker than water, despite her feud with her older cousin who was leading the Sword Confederacy. She was very much conservative, promoting the ideals of her mother (though to a more extreme), and often resorted to excessive violence to implement her ideas.

The Princess died in the second battle of Gallinore, which is considered the last major engagement of the Hapan Civil War, where she had hoped to finish off the Phoenix Movement herself.

Early years

Childhood & Heritage

Princess Lana Da'tanah was born on October 13, 3963, in Avalon, capital/administrative city district of Lorell. She was the first and only child of Princess Da'tanah Pal'durath (3927-3965), the first Rë'gin'ta of the Draconian Union and Lord Xariq Tylger. The birth was celebrated across all Draconian territory within the Hapes Cluster as their glorious leader now had a Chumë Ta' and heir to the throne. The couple was especially pleased that their firstborn turned out to be female as a male heir might be considered a potential weakness and cause problems for the Draconian line of succession.

Her mother, with much assistance of the Draconian handmaidens, cared for young Da'tanah in the first two years of her life. Her father was hardly ever present as he was mostly considered a royal consort and figurehead of minor status. Princess Da'tanah Pal'durath had married the young Count Xariq Tylger as a gesture of gratitude after the initial stages of the Hapan Civil War where Countess Kani Tylger, Xariq's older sister, had helped the Princess seize the planet Lorell. Such an act could not go unrewarded so Kani Tylger received the title Lady and was given a system to govern. With his marriage to the Princess, the young and handsome noble was also granted the title Lord. Even though the marriage was been much for show, many historical documents do point out that there seemed to be a chemistry and romance between the two.

Both of Lana Da'tanah's parents were murdered during a ceremonial dinner on Lorell when their child was only one and a half years old. The incident, known as the dinner party massacre, was a tremendous blow to the Draconian Union. When the proper punishments and executions had been carried out, the Draconian Council voted to make Lady Zalin Ci'hani the Regent of the Draconian Union and also placed the young Princess in the care of House Ci'hani.

Much of her early childhood was spent travelling between Anacalahad in the Varn system, which was the seat of House Ci'hani, and Lorell Prime in the Lorell System, from which the Regent ruled the Draconian Union. While Lady Zalin Ci'hani was technically her guardian, the Draconian handmaidens raised the Princess most of the time. She had a tutor from which she learned proper etiquette, numerous Hapan dialects and three secondary languages. From age six and on she was taught Hapan history, Hapan culture and Hapan politics by several professors brought in from the Royal Hapan University of Lorell as well as the art of singing by an Ut native. While most of the information taught in these lessons were more than likely historically correct it is assumed that much of the history related information, particularly that relating to the events leading up to the Hapan Civil War, was changed to favour her mother and the actions of the Draconian Union. The ideas regarding Hapan culture were equal to those her mother had to ensure that the ideology of the Draconian Union would not change with leadership. Conservative values such as isolationism, female superiority and the Hapani-human master race were considered the most important ideals.

When she turned 12, she started learning about the art of war from numerous of her closest relatives and the greatest commanders available to her. Since she was expected to lead the Draconian Union to victory, she had to adapt to the harsh realities of war as early on as possible. She was granted symbolic combat capability licences by the Royal Draconian Navy, the Royal Draconian Army, and the Royal Draconian Guard when she was 15.

Transition of Power

From 3978 onward, the Princess was slowly eased in to the role of Rë'gin'ta and became the de facto leader of the Draconian Union, but still left a number of duties to the Regent as she was not yet fully responsible enough to handle all the matters that were brought to the attention of the Draconian Council. Wherever Regent-Lady Zalin Ci'hani went, so did the Princess, to observe and learn:

"We observe the Regent in her daily duties, learning much about the routines that go with such great responsebility. To Us she is a faithful mentor and tutor, but our relationship can not be described as that of a mother and daughter. Around Us she behaves like a subordinate and subject. Yet We are very grateful for having her in Our life and there is indeed a family bond between us. Soon enough We shall be fit to relieve the Regent of her duties and assume the throne as Mother intended." (from the diary of Princess Lana Da'tanah)

That same year, the planet Belgor in the Arxian system was attacked by the forces of the Sword Confederacy in what was called Operation Dënëmium. The planet was originally populated by the feline-like Hapani-Alraxian people which was the arm and fist of the Royal Draconian Army. The attack destroyed the planet's atmosphere and scarred most of the surface, rendering the planet uninhabitable. While a number of Alraxians managed to evacuate and billions were offworld at the time, most of the population on the planet was killed. Princess Da'tanah called for a meeting of the Draconian Council where she ordered a major retaliation, known as Operation Zarifa:

"Our enemy is changing and so is the war. We must adapt and retaliate to make the enemy understand that such a crime as the one committed today will not go unpunished. Perhaps it is not so much about justice, but about revenge. The Sword Confederacy world Terephon of the Hapes system has been chosen by Ourself and Lady Ci'hani for obliteration. Nothing will remain but barren wasteland, ruins, poison lakes and toxic air. The blood of the innocents will be on Princess Ta'lan's hands for taking the final step towards total war"

The attack went on as planned, and the Princess was commended by Draconians for showing courage in dealing with the enemy when taking her first major command descicion. The following year, in the months before Da'tanah's birthday, Lady Ci'hani commented that she had taught the young matriarch everything she could and that the Princess could now only learn more by leading and living as the Rë'gin'ta.


From Avalon as the Royal entourage approaches the Draconian Palace.

The coronation took place on Da'tanah's 16th birthday, October 13th 3979, amidst extreme security measures provided by the combined Draconian Military. Over 750 000 additional members of the Draconian Royal Guard patrolling the streets of Avalon and especially the Palace District. The event was broadcast across the Hapan holonet and was the biggest media event of the entire Hapan Civil War. Only two other events in Hapan history have had more viewers; the coronation of King Andrew and coronation of King James. The Draconian Ministry of Propaganda used the event for all it was worth, spending in excess of two billion Hapan credits on promoting the events, providing free food and wine for all spectators in Avalon, fireworks on all Draconian worlds and highly modified Quasar Battle Cruiser named after Da'tanah. Millions flocked to Lorell to witness the event firsthand and some historical records found on Hapes Prime state that Princess Ta'lan of the Sword Confederacy was also on the planet to observe her younger cousin's crowning.

The entourage travelled from the Avalon Government Hall, moving up the five kilometer long main street where the Princess waved to the crowd, before arriving at the Draconian Palace where the coronation was to take place. Da'tanah entered the palace, escorted by a number of elite guards and several important members of the Draconian Council. Inside the Grand Audience Chamber, the Princess sat down on her late mother's throne and was asked by Lady Ci'hani to recite the Royal vows of accention.

"We, Princess Lana Da'tanah of House Pal'durath, hereby accept the responsibility of leading the Draconian Union as Rë'gin'ta from this day forward until Our death. With it comes the task of reunifying the Hapes Consortium by any means necessary and remove all obsticals in our path. Long live the Draconian Union! Long live the Hapes Consortium! Hail Draconian!"/"Më, Pëlin'a Lana Da'tanah Pal'durathah, sëraal ë ca llaria ën Rë'gin'ta ë Unio Drakënus tënu qazah pyl mord. Ënzathar Hapës Ëxëlanthius contraunio linëh cantar ultimï. Tibic ë Unio Drakënus! Tibic ë Hapës Ëxëlanthius! Hëll Drakënus!"

  1. REDIRECT Template:Queen-Mother Styles

The Draconian crown (more info later) was placed upon the Princess's head and the royal scepter was handed to her, meaning she had become the Rë'gin'ta of the Draconian Union Blah blah blah.

The New Rë'gin'ta

Leadership & War Effort

Da'tanah was considered to be a solid leader from early on, staying in touch with the Draconian Council for hour every day, in person if possible, but often via holo-conferances. Lady Ci'hani maintained the position Supreme Commander of the Draconian Military even after Da'tanah's coronation as the Princess felt the Lady's experience made her a more suitable commander. Still, Da'tanah monitored the every-day events of the military and most major decisions had to go through the Princess's office for approval.

One of her first acts as the Rë'gin'ta was to invite a corrupt Senator from the Galactic Republic world Rendili to Lorell. She arranged the purchase of four Dreadnaught Heavy Cruisers for the Draconian Navy despite the Draconian Union's strict isolation policies. These ships were considered state of the art and were put to use as command vessels of the best Draconian fleets.

Her frequent visits to the frontlines across the Hapes Cluster made her increasingly popular with the troops, and due to the |feudal system of the Hapan factions at the time, there was little room for unpopularity with the mob. To ensure her rule, Da'tanah increased financial support to the military as well as to the industrial sectors, wanting to further strengthen the Draconian Navy and Draconian Army. The Draconian Royal Guard also received additional funding in order to strengthen the Princess' grasp on her union. Traitors, rebels and general troublemakers were abducted or arrested by the guards, often in broad daylight, and taken through a swift legal process. Most were sentenced to life in Draconian labour camps, though a great number of people found guilty of treason were shot in the courtroom after receiving their sentence. Treacherous citizens that were of some importance in Draconian society, or had a noble title, were often made examples of by being publically executed in creative ways. Snake-bite, skinning, decapitation and mutilation were among the methods use to instill fear in the general population.

Da'tanah put great pressure on her scientists and engineers to develop new weapons that could be used to win the war, often neglecting the needs of the starving or homeless populations on countless worlds. In mid 3984, her cousin, Princess Ta'lan wrote her a personal message delivered by a courier, expressing concern over the situation on numerous planets. Da'tanah had the courier executed before calling for a session of the Draconian Council.

"Princess Ta'lan expresses concern over how the citizens of the Draconian worlds are treated. That thousands die every day from starvation, cold or diseases. Considering that it is attacks from her armies and bombardments by her fleets that have put our people in this situation, We find this quite amusing. We spare all we can to feed, clothe and shelter our loyal subjects. But We also consider the future and develop new weapons to counter the enemy's attacks and strengthen our military. If the peoples of the Hapan worlds can not endure this test, they are not fit for survival and have no place in the glorious reunified Hapes Consortium that is soon to come. If they want clothing, give them armour. If they want food, give them a soldier's ration. If they want shelter, make room in the trenches. If they want to live, give them a rifle. Weakness is a sin." (Princess Lana Da'tanah, addressing the Draconian Council on July 3 3984)

Preceded by:
Lady Zalin Ci'hani
Leader (Rë'gin'ta) of the Draconian Union
Succeeded by:<br./>Lord Laz Tylger
Preceded by:
Princess Da'tanah Pal'durath
Crown Princess of the Hapes Consortium(a)
Succeeded by:<br./>None
Preceded by:
Princess Da'tanah Pal'durath
Princess of Lorell (b)
Succeeded by:<br./>None
Later Lord Alexander Tylger (as Governor)
Preceded by:
Lady Zalin Ci'hani
Supreme Commander of the Draconian Military
Succeeded by:<br./>Lord Laz Tylger
Preceded by:
Lady Mali Tini'duran
Admiral of the Draconian Command Fleet
August 3998–September 3998
Succeeded by:<br./>None
(a) The title Crown Princess of the Hapes Consortium was claimed by both Princess Da'tanah Pal'durath and Princess Ta'lan Pal'durath at the outbreak of the Hapan Civil War and both passed the title on to their daughters. Who had the actual right to hold the title is still a matter of personal opinion.
(b) The title Princess of the Lorell was only used by the Princess and her mother, Princess Da'tanah Pal'durath, before her. No nobility has been able to claim the planet or system as their seat since the Hapan Civil War. The current titles Governor and Archon are the equivalent of this position.
