Template:UnderConstruction Template:Military-Officer Vali Trini'qar (Spitfire) is a former military officer who was a fighter ace during the Hapan civil war and reached the rank Grand Marshall of the Draconian Union's Fighter Corps. She reformed the way starfighters were used in space combat in the Hapes Cluster and was also known for destroying the former flagship of the Royal Family, the Star Home.

Her trademark during the civil war was her easy-going nature and fondness for alcohol and tobacco. Her commanding officers were often outraged by the fact that she drank on duty and before going in to battle, but she insisted it raised her combat effectiveness.

Following the war she was tried and convicted of war crimes, supposedly on false charges, and sentenced to execution by spacing. Following an appeal the verdict was changed to lifetime in prison which she served until 4025 when her name was forgotten and she received a pardon by the Governor of the Lorell system. Today she lives a quiet life on Alsnin.

Early Life

Vali Trini'qar was born on Anarbold in the Mathonore system in 3947 and was the first and only child of Baroness Vanie Trini'qar. The planet and its noble houses were not particularly wealthy as the planet's status within the splintered Hapes Consortium was not particularly high. The girl went to school on Selab to prepare for her eventual ascension to head of House Trini'qar, but was fascinated by the Draconian Union's war propaganda.

She developed a love for alcohol and tobacco as she began to frequent the few taverns located near one of Selab's largest military bases. Here she was inspired by fighter pilots from the small and underrated Draconian Fighter Corps. By the age of 16 she had dropped all plans of becoming a politician and instead enlisted in the Draconian Armed Forces.

Military Career

Rising Star

Trini'qar rapidly completed her training with the Draconian Fighter Corps and was shipped to the frontlines in 3964 as typical "meat for the grinder". As the daughter of a Turilii noble, she received the starting rank of Lieutenant and was given an out-of-date Olan'til Interceptor in the Fire Squadron. As the Draconian leadership had begun replacing Olan'tils with the new Olanji/Charubah-produced Miy'cal Interceptors, her assignment was considered doomed from the start.

Fire Squadron was attached to the Fire Wing of the 21st Draconian Escort Fleet and saw extensive action at third battle of the Keltros Expanse. It was here that Trini'qar's talent as a fighter pilot caught the attention of the Draconian admiralty. Despite massive losses, the young noble managed to kill 11 enemy fighters in the skirmish. Her name was specifically mentioned in a report that the commander of the 21st Draconian Escort Fleet made to Lady Alidra Olanji of Charu and Trini'qar was summarily promoted to Lieutenant Commander and received leadership of the Fire Squadron in 3966.

Following impressive kill counts and victory in numerous engagements together with the 21st Draconian Escort Fleet, Trini'qar and her squadron were transferred in to the core of Charu's defense fleet, namely the 2nd Draconian Order and was attached to the flagship Star of Olanji. The squadron's fighters were replaced by Miy'cal Interceptors on direct order from Lady Olanji. She saw extensive action at the first battle of Charu in 3968 when the Sword Confederacy attempted to destroy the Charu Wheels. Following this engagement she was awarded the Shield of Dragons and promoted to the rank of Commander.

She received command of a full wing of fighters which she named the Spitfire Wing with the leading squadron called Spitfire Squadron. The name originated from the nickname she had acquired from her fellow fighter pilots, namely "Spitfire". Her name was respected throughout the Draconian Union's military and she was feared by the Sword Confederacy's fighter pilots. But rather than be assigned to the frontlines against the Confederacy, Trini'qar and her squadron were involved with the Draconian campaigns against the treacherous splinter-group called the Victory Alliance.

The Spitfire Wing was transferred to the 9th Draconian Order under command of House Shaa in 3970. It participated in a number of key engagements over the following years, including the pinnacle battle of the campaign, the second battle of Dreema in 3972. During this particular battle, Trini'qar lost most of her squadron members as they took on the Victory Alliance's flagship Song of Fire. Trini'qar jettisoned from her fighter and was picked up by a Draconian carrier. She boarded a Druui Assault Bomber and lifted off, taking on the Song of Fire by herself. As she fired a RAGoC 170-X warhead in to the bridge of the enemy cruiser she yelled "Here comes the pain!" which later became a popular quote and slogan of the Draconian Fighter Corps.

The second battle of Queen-Mother's Pearls.

The victory at Dreema earned her the rank of Captain and overall command of all fighters within the fleet as she was transferred to the 5th Draconian Order. She once again led the Spitfire Squadron, attached to Fist of Ci'hani, in to numerous dangerous engagements. In 3974 the fleet became part of a massive task force that intercepted the Star Home in the Temporal Clouds between the Hapan system and Abaem system. Trini'qar's fighters successfully penetrated the defense of the old flagship of the Royal Family and destroyed it. Her starfighter was caught in the explosion of the massive vessel and the young Captain lost her legs in the process. It is rumoured that the destruction of the Star Home angered nobles of the Draconian Union who had supposedly wanted to capture it, but Trini'qar never expressed any regret over the incident.

Following the decisive victory in the second battle of Queen-Mother's Pearls in 3975, Trini'qar unexpectedly requested transfer to the Draconian Logistical Corps where she pursued a career as a freighter pilot.

Logistical Officer

As the commanding officer of the 189th Draconian Logistics Wing, Trini'qar personally commanded the old and battered XGH-50 stock freighter called Firebreather. She had a regular route within the Draconian Union's territory, which consisted of regular visits to worlds and stations within the Irrea Mist. Her station was the Charu Wheels, but she rarely spent any time there due to an urgent need for arms and supplies across Draconian space. Due to her ship's poor condition, she rarely visited any combat zones apart from the asteroid known as XY322098 within the Orthwell system.

During the siege of XY322098 in 3978 she assisted the local Draconian forces as they were tasked with sneaking in to the Sword Confederacy's bunker on the massive asteroid. She piloted the captured HCHT-3700 known as Sword of Inaq carrying the Draconian troops and used a Sword Confederacy access code to pass through the bunker's airlock. The mission was considered a huge success as it ended in the bunker's destruction.

Princess Da'tanah visited XY322098 on the following day together with Regent Lady Ci'hani. During the victory ceremony on the Draconian bunker, the Princess extended an invitation to Trini'qar to return to the Draconian Fighter Corps as the commanding officer of the monarch's honour guard. She accepted the offer, reportedly somewhat reluctantly, after conferring with friends she had made at the base.

Princess' Honour Guard

Baroness of Blood

Grand Marshall

Post-War Life

Trial & Sentence

Trini'qar was arrested by members of the military police in the spring of 4016. She was charged with war crimes in relation to the destruction of numerous freighters during the Hapan civil war which had supposedly been carrying civilians. As House Trini'qar had been dissolved, she was no longer protected by the Gallinore Accords which gave immunity to all Hapan nobility after the conflict.

The prosecutor in the case was Ocal Denthiir, a former Overseer of House Vali'dara. The former ruling houses of the Draconian Union sent the young naval officer and son of Lord Tylger, Alexander Tylger, to act as Trini'qar's defense attorney.

The charges were involved the following notable incidents among countless others:

The destruction of the Star Home was also mentioned, as it was considered a priceless symbol of the Hapes Consortium's history and identity, but was dismissed following an elaborate listing of other so called wonders of the Hapes Consortium during the Hapan civil war.

The trial was lengthy and dominated by what the media described as an elaborate circus of words and accusations. King Andrew seemingly ignored the case altogether as he had previously expressed that he had no love for Trini'qar who was responsible for the deaths of many key members of the old Phoenix Movement during the Hapan civil war.

Trini'qar pleaded not guilty to the charges, insisting that everything she did was in accordance with orders from the Draconian Union's admiralty and leadership. She also mentioned that the Victory Alliance, and also the Sword Confederacy to some extent, marked munition and troop transports with civilian markings and identification codes during the conflict.

In the end she was found guilty of a number of charges, but not all. She was sentenced to death by spacing.

"We were once young and blessed with wings. No heights could keep us from their reach. No sacred place we did not soar. Still, greater things burned within us. I don't regret the choices that I've made. I know you feel the same. Moments lost though time remains... I am so proud of what we were. No pain remains, no feeling. Eternity awaits. Grant me wings that I might fly. My restless soul is longing. No pain remains, no feeling. Eternity awaits!" Grand Marshall Vali Trini'qar's closing speech at her trial, following the reading of the sentence.

Governor's Pardon


Kill Count

See Also